Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year...when will God's Kingdon come?

As I mentioned before, Christmas was nice here. JJ started with a head cold that ended the day after Christmas, just in time for Keith and I to get it. Braden never did get it, and as I told Bert, perhaps his staying up late, eating junk food and playing video games strengthened his immunity system. I never actually got the cold part, just the achey body, sweats and chills and absolutely no energy. I barely moved from the bed to the couch. I did get some reading done. I read "Pillars of the Earth". I enjoyed it, but it was way too heavy. Nearly 1000 pages. It took all my strength just to hold it upright while I read. I almost didn't make it to work today, but I was a trooper and went in.

A couple of weeks ago, we promised Braden and JJ they could each have four friends sleep over on New Year's Eve. And, they held us to it. I felt bad canceling just because I didn't feel well. They were all very good. Loud. But very good. They were up until 5:00 in the morning, watching movies. I got up on Tuesday to 8 bodies sleeping on my living room floor (two of the kids weren't able to stay over). At about 11:00 there was a knock on the door. Jehovah's Witnesses. ON NEW YEARS MORNING????? I told them I had a houseful of kids and that it wasn't a good time. They were kind enough to leave me with a copy of the Watchtower. I told the kids, when they woke up, that I should have thrown them under the bus and told the JW's that there were 8 souls in there just waiting to be saved. But, once again, I listened to the angel on my shoulder instead of the other guy.


Bert Bananas said...

"They were kind enough to leave me with a copy of the Watchtower."


The Broards said...

Schell, you crack me up

Clank Napper said...

I have never read the Watchtower, and I don't actually know what JW's believe it. I am off to Wiki them.

Anonymous said...

Do strangers refer to Braden as "she"?
My Joey got called a girl again by our waitress the last time we went out. I don't really get it, he's so boyish in his clothes and manner, but maybe people don't bother looking past the hair. It doesn't ever bother him, so I don't worry about it.

schell said...

Once in a while it happens, and it pisses Braden off, but I tell him that it's because of his hair, and that's one of the drawbacks of long hair.

Anonymous said...

i have some kids that i didn't know were girls until they told me, and with 2 of them, it was news for the the entire class, so i didn't feel so bad.

I keep a bible by the door for when the JW's come to my home, it's one of the few benefits of having a m-i-l whose is an ordained minister. I just smile and explain that we're members of the UMC and like it that way and tell them about the m-i-l's stint in grad school getting her MDiv and off they go.


Anonymous said...

We get more Mormons than Jehovah's Witnesses on our street; when they ask me to pray with them, I tell them, "OK, just wait till I get my rosary." They are usually gone by the time I get back.

Anonymous said...

Is that a tire in the background wrapped with ribbon?


schell said...

Yeah, Brit. JJ wanted new "mud tires" for the 4-wheeler for Christmas.