Saturday, April 29, 2006

Updating, awaiting and bear baiting

I just came back from grocery shopping. I'm as bad as the kids...I have to eat something I just bought as soon as I'm done putting everything away. Today I was torn between the Entenmann's Apple Puffs or an english muffin. I started with the english muffin.

We went to see Ron White last night. He was very funny. There's something about the way he stands up there smoking, drinking and cursing that appeals to me. Usually profanity doesn't float my boat, but he speaks so well and uses a large's the way he litters his otherwise eloquent speech with fucks that makes me laugh. There was a guy sitting next to me that was laughing so hard I was worried he was going into some sort of convulsion. You know everything that someone does when parodying someone laughing...snorting, knee slapping, foot stomping....this guy did all of that. It made me wonder what it would be like to find something that incredibly funny and laugh with such abandon.

Braden had his last dance of the year yesterday after school. He lives for those things, and I'm quite sure he makes an ass of himself there. But, as long as he's having fun. He has a big project due on Monday that we haven't even started yet. The whole 6th grade does a medieval times themed unit and they all had to pick an area to write a research paper on and make some sort of presentation. Braden's topic was medieval games/entertainment. Of course, being a 12 year old boy, his favorite pastime he read about was "bear baiting" and wants to make a shoe box model of it. How the hell am I going to make a bear? We bought some fur at the craft store, but that's as far as we got.

JJ is supposed to be going with his Philadelphia caseworker today to see his brother in Philadelphia. The children's home has a new policy, effective Thursday, that the residents can receive no incoming calls with out prior approval. I called the supervisor to get approval, but she didn't get back to me (it's my understanding that they had quite a busy day on Friday...restraints, runaways, etc), I wasn't able to call him to see when he was going. He can't call me either without said supervisor's approval, and naturally, she's not in on the weekend. And, I called his caseworker on Thursday and Friday to get the okay for us to visit him over the weekend, but I never heard back from the creep. So, once again, here we are, hanging. But, for some strange reason that I can't put my finger on, on the way to see the comedian last night, I was overcome with this sense that things are going to work out. It made me look at everything that's happening as minor obstacles that we have to get past, but I have a feeling in my heart that soon enough he'll be living here with us. This feeling is liable to pass, but for now, I don't have this constant "load of bricks" feeling in my chest. My fingers are just crossed for his meeting on Tuesday.

That's about it here. Now I have to go do some laundry and maybe trim a couple of bushes outside.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pardon me....

I'm sorry for going on and on about the trials and tribulations of JJ, but I need to vent.
Today, I called JJ's caseworker to see if on Thursday, since Braden was going to school with me, if JJ could come home with us after school, stay for dinner then I would take him back by 8:pm. His caseworker called back and said that no, that wouldn't be possible. Not only that, but he can't come this weekend either. I asked if JJ did something that he was being punished, but was told that he hadn't done anything wrong. It seems they're not going to let JJ come here until he does a home visit. HE DOESN'T WANT TO DO A HOME VISIT!!! It would be his aunt they want him to visit (not a blood aunt, just a family friend who is his legal guardian)and he'd have to take about three busses and two subways to get there. All in all, about three or four hours - each way, for a two day visit. Plus, while he was in the detention center, she didn't call him or come to visit him or write him a letter. I spoke with her on Easter and she's thrilled that he's spending time here. She wants him to have a family to spend time with...she even said I hope you adopt JJ. I said to Wally that perhaps if they promised him he could come here this weekend he would go home next weekend...or vice versa. I was told, "We don't play that way. We don't negotiate."
He then went on to say that while it's great that me and my family love JJ and support him, we aren't his family. We're strictly his sponsors, and his visits with us are a reward and he has to earn them.
He also asked if either me or JJ had contacted JJ's DHS worker because she called him to ask why JJ's visits with his sponsors were being canceled. The caseworker told me he told her they weren't being canceled. I lied and said I had only called her while he was in the detention center. The Children's HOme would flip if they knew I called her. Then who knows when they next time would be that JJ could visit.
He told me he was going to try to "force" (his exact words) JJ to go home this weekend but he'd appreciate it if I'd tell JJ that and try to talk him into it. Plus, that way JJ wouldn't get angry at the home and get himself into trouble. I should have told him to shove it up his ass, but because I am more worried about JJ than anything else, I said I'd talk to him.
Needless to say, that didn't go very well. He's refusing to go home. He says they can't force him to go if he doesn't want to. He was nearly in tears asking why they keep doing this to him. "I keep doing everything they ask. I'm trying so hard, and they keep playing games. I don't even care anymore. I give up." So, I tried to cheer him up, tell him it's all a game and we have to be ready with an even better move, but it only half worked. I can't very well keep telling him there's a light at the end of the tunnel if I can't even see the damn light.
I am supposed to call him at 8:00 tonight. I'm hoping that he took my advice when dealing with his caseworker and just said, "I dont' want to go home." and that's it. I'm sure he didn't. I just hope he wasn't too beligerent.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Blah Blah Blah

I have had guests for dinner at my house for the past three Sundays. I'm tired of cooking and cleaning. This weekend, NOTHING. Got it? Zip.

Friday night, Keith and I are going to see Ron White at a local theater. Now I just have to find a babysitter for Braden. Not that I can call it that without offending the lad, but I don't like to leave him alone at night. Hopefully, I'll find a friend's house for him to sleep over.

I heard from JJ's DHS worker today. He has a meeting at the Children's Home on May 2nd, and she's going. Hopefully they'll get some things ironed out. And, she's picking him and his brother up on Saturday, then driving them back to Philadelphia to pick up a brother in foster care there, then taking them to an aunt's house for a nice visit. He's really looking forward to that...he hasn't seen the one brother since last summer. I told him I'd get him a disposable camera so he can take a ton of pictures, then we can get some frames and put them in his room.

Braden has an easy week this week. He has a field trip to Medievel Times dinner theater on Wednesday. Thursday he's going to work with me for Take Your Child To Work Day, then Friday he has his last dance of the year. Except for tomorrow, it will be a piece of cake to wake him up every morning.

One of my students at school told me that my family reminds him of the Huxtables. I told him that he was right except that 1. We're white 2. I'm not a lawyer 3. My husband isn't a doctor 4. We don't live in a brownstone in NYC and 5. My husband doesn't eat pudding.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A little satisfaction

I called JJ's DHS caseworker. I got no reply. However, I'm told these caseworkers from Philadelphia have huge case loads and not to be surprised if it takes a couple of days to hear from her. So, last night, I sent her an email, saying I knew she was very busy, but I had some concerns about JJ and the Children's Home and would appreciate a phone call when she had a chance.
She called me this morning. I explained some things to they only let him visit for three out of the six Easter vacation days, how he's still in the Acopian center, even though his 30 day "punishment" period was over two weeks ago. I told her how some staff, off the record, told me administrative staff are doing things to purposely piss him off, so when he gets angry (For the record, the kid's biggest problem is his anger issues) they can punish him for it. I said that staff has told me that we need to do what we can to get him out of there for his own good. I said that no one ever returns my phone calls when I call about him, and that we can't even get a date as to when he can come and stay with us, and that they won't even let him sleep over when he visits. SHE WAS LIVID!
It seems she called and requested that he be allowed to spend his entire Easter break with us and they said "No problem". She was also assured that he would only spend 30 days in the Acopian Center. She was really pissed about the way they "test" him by doing things to make him angry and said that wasn't the least bit theraputic, in fact it boarders on abuse. She also said their goal is to get kids into foster homes as quickly as possible, and there should be nothing holding the process up. I told her about my warning not to "step on anyone's toes" or else it would get held up even more. She intends to call there today, to check on how things are going. She's not going to mention our phone call. She's going to ask how JJ's making out since he's been out of the Acopian center and how he enjoyed his Easter break with us. She also said she's going to make an unannounced visit there next week...just to shake things up.
She was very nice, very reassuring and SO NOT like dealing with someone from an agency notorious for being bogged down with red-tape and case overloads. She's also going to personally pick JJ and his brother up next Saturday, take them to visit their brother in Philadelphia foster care, then bring them both back to my house for the rest of the weekend.
She told me she'd get back to me as soon as she heard anything from the Children's Home and I should feel free to call her anytime if things like this continue. She also said that she's glad I'm involved in JJ's life, and this is exactly what he needs, someone to fight for him and show him that they're there for him. I'm so glad I called!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back to work

I go back to work today. I really don't mind, I like my job. I just wish I didn't have to get up so darn early in the morning. It should be an easy day too...a lot of our sending school districts are off until tomorrow, so our attendance will probably be about half of what it usually is.

Easter went well. The food all came out delicious. I wish I would have bought a bigger ham, because there wasn't enough left overs. Ham is one of the only meats I like left over...sandwiches, omelets, soup. JJ met my family and said, "Miss, your family isn't as weird as you said they were." I told him to wait, they were on their best behavior. My parents and my siblings each got him an Easter card - he took them all and they're displayed in his on the tv, one on the dresser, and one on the bedside stand. Ask Braden where his cards are. He'll have no idea. At one point, JJ brought me the phone and said, "you have a call." It was his aunt. He called her to wish her a Happy Easter. I had no idea what to expect, and hesitantly took the phone. She sounded very nice. And very young. She said how wonderful it was that JJ had someone looking out for him, and a place where he can feel like part of a family. She said she'd like to get together sometime, and meet.

I called his Philadelphia caseworker, but she must have been out of the office for the holiday. I left a message. Hopefully she'll call me back today.

Did I tell you we're remodeling our basement? Turning it into a rec room/family room. It's studded and the electric is run. We had someone come in last week and give us an estimate on waterproofing it...when it rains really hard and fast we get a little flooding down there (it's happened only twice in the four years we've been here). The estimate was $19,000. WTF? I guess the basement is on hold for a long, long time.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ah, Easter break

On Wednesday and Thursday I cleaned and shopped and generally got things ready for Sunday. We went to visit JJ both nights. Yesterday, Braden had plans to take his scooter and meet some buddies in town and go on a "scooter tour of Nazareth". It rained most of the day, but they had fun anyway. According to Braden, it was so much fun, they're planning another one.

JJ came up yesterday. The neighbor kids came over and they rode the four wheeler and played a little between the rain drops. When it rained harder, they played video games. I was making chocolate chip cookies, and JJ helped me mix it. He never used a mixer before, and was cracking me up by talking to it. Braden came home mid-afternoon with a couple of his friends, so there were kids (and mud) everywhere. JJ asked me, while we were making cookies, "Miss, why is the home doing this to us?" I didn't have an answer for him.
When we took him back last night, the staff said, "Just because you had to have him back early, doesn't mean your visit has to end early. Stay awhile. I'll unluck the gym for you if you want." JJ ran to put his bag of snacks in his room, and the staff had a little talk with us. He went on and on about what a good kid JJ is, and how it's a shame he's stuck in the Acopian center with all the knuckleheads, as he put it. "You gotta get him out of here," he said. "He's one of the few kids here who actually listen when you talk to him. He doesn't belong here. When he comes back from a visit at your place, or after you leave when visiting him, his spirit is so different. He practically floats on air." While it's good to hear these things, it's disheartening to know we can't do anything to speed the process up. But, I've been thinking...I don't care whose toes it would be stepping on, I'm calling his Philadelphia case worker on Monday, and I'm going to see if there's something she can do about it. What have we got to lose at this point?

One of Braden's favorite teachers (his shop teacher) was fired last week. He was escorted out of the building by police. Evidently, he gave a kid a wedgie while fooling around (and I hear he fools around a lot...which most of the kids love). Anyway, wedgie boy told his parents who then went to the superintendent, and now the guy is gone, and Braden is going to be stuck doing "book work" in shop for the rest of the year, because they can't find a wood shop teacher this late in the year. Tracee, do you know anything about wood shop?

Tomorrow, I'm having 12 for dinner. I'm making ham, chicken francaise, mashed potatoes, pineapple stuffing, corn, greens, and peanut butter pie and a pineapple anglefood cake thing for dessert. My brother is making suppa tuscano for an appetizer and I don't know what my sister is making. Tea lady, in all her laziness, is bring soda. Big whoop! We're doing an egg hunt this year, for the first time in a few years. It will just be Braden, JJ, my neice Shay and maybe James. It should be a nice day.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Please, everyone, join me in my outrage!

JJ called this morning to say that he's only allowed to come up and visit on Saturday and Sunday. It seems his case worker didn't bother to check with anyone before giving the okay for the every-day-during-Easter-break visits. The supervisor doesn't want him to come more than two days...why? I have no idea. And, of course, she's out of the office today. So now, he's sitting there, for the next three days, staring at the walls. In the Acopian center, which holds 48 boys, there are only six that didn't go on home visits for the vacation. So, he and five other boys (who are probably equally pissed off) get to spend three days with nothing at all to do. Guess where that's going to lead? I am so pissed now that I could honestly throttle someone. Oh, but the good news is that we're allowed to visit him between 7:15 and 8:15 each of the other days. Big freakin whoop! I asked him if anything had happened in the last couple of days to lead to this change, and he said no, that it had been a great couple of days...he was being especially careful so he wouldn't get any punishments that would ruin his Easter vacation. I feel like I have to do something, but I can't think of anything I can do.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The scoop

We went to JJ's meeting on Wednesday night. The meeting itself was good, although unnecessary. The meeting was about the sponsoring program. Hello? We've been sponsoring him since the beginning of December. But, we're officially approved to be his sponsors. The man we met with was very nice, and gave us some good advice about fostering. But, he left us with two words...patience and perseverance. How do you do both???
JJ was supposed to have his 30 day meeting on Thursday, to see if he could get out of the Acopian center. Of course, they cancelled it. Of course, that discouraged him. He's slipping and I'm worried about him. He was supposed to come and visit us this weekend, but he called Saturday morning to say he wasn't allowed to come. It seems that on Friday night, another resident there was annoying the crap out of him. JJ told him several times he wasn't in the mood, but the kid kept bugging and bugging him. JJ was ready to fight him, but instead, walked outside to cool off. TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! However, walking outside got him in trouble. It's against the he got two days of punishment. Luckily, the senior weekend staff at the Acopian is very nice and really likes JJ, so we were allowed to visit. He seems depressed, like he's giving up and I'm very concerned.
I don't know how long he can keep his spirits semi-up, with the promise of "things will get better". My hands are tied, and that's the worst feeling in the world.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I hate the world! Life sucks.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Yesterday was my birthday...

It was so-so. Just like any other day, except people said, "Happy Birthday." I didn't get anything...yet. Keith's giving me money to do some spring clothing shopping, and he invited my siblings and parents over next Saturday for cake. I'm the big double-four. Woo Hoo. Today, I don't feel a day over 42.

Saturday, I cleaned up outside. Trimmed back a lot of my plants, got rid of leaves and dead stuff. Now I just want it to get warm warm warm, so everything gets all green and alive looking.

A couple of kids from Braden's scout troop made Eagle Scout, so we went to the ceremony on Sunday. Can you say B O R I N G. Don't get me wrong, it's a great accomplishment, but the ceremony and following dinner a bit dull. I don't know how you could spice it up, though. Braden says he wants to be an Eagle Scout. We'll see about that. Although, at the meeting, Braden came up to me and said one of his fellow scouts said to him, "Dude, your mom has huge jugs!" I guess that's flattering?!

Tomorrow night Keith and I have a meeting with the vice president of the Children's Home about JJ. I have no idea what the meeting's about. If it's good news or bad news. To say I'm a little nervous would be a huge understatement. I keep going over in my head all the things that would lead me to believe it's going to be good, and the things that lead me to believe it will be bad. So far, it's neck and neck. I know JJ's been behaving himself, doing everything he's supposed to do, but I am never sure about the Children's Home. They're so unpredicatable. I have his room all finished, and the stripes are growing on me. Especially now that there's furniture and curtains in there. I took a picture to show JJ, and he said it looks "hot". The only thing missing in it is him. Hopefully, tomorrow night we'll know a date when he's coming. Hopefully tomorrow night we'll know he's coming.