Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back to work

I go back to work today. I really don't mind, I like my job. I just wish I didn't have to get up so darn early in the morning. It should be an easy day too...a lot of our sending school districts are off until tomorrow, so our attendance will probably be about half of what it usually is.

Easter went well. The food all came out delicious. I wish I would have bought a bigger ham, because there wasn't enough left overs. Ham is one of the only meats I like left over...sandwiches, omelets, soup. JJ met my family and said, "Miss, your family isn't as weird as you said they were." I told him to wait, they were on their best behavior. My parents and my siblings each got him an Easter card - he took them all and they're displayed in his room...one on the tv, one on the dresser, and one on the bedside stand. Ask Braden where his cards are. He'll have no idea. At one point, JJ brought me the phone and said, "you have a call." It was his aunt. He called her to wish her a Happy Easter. I had no idea what to expect, and hesitantly took the phone. She sounded very nice. And very young. She said how wonderful it was that JJ had someone looking out for him, and a place where he can feel like part of a family. She said she'd like to get together sometime, and meet.

I called his Philadelphia caseworker, but she must have been out of the office for the holiday. I left a message. Hopefully she'll call me back today.

Did I tell you we're remodeling our basement? Turning it into a rec room/family room. It's studded and the electric is run. We had someone come in last week and give us an estimate on waterproofing it...when it rains really hard and fast we get a little flooding down there (it's happened only twice in the four years we've been here). The estimate was $19,000. WTF? I guess the basement is on hold for a long, long time.


Meme said...

have you considered having an indoor pool in the basement?

The Broards said...

Did Afro ask about me?

schell said...

Afro checked the bookshelf several times while here, pining away for you, Emma.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Emma and Afro sitting in a tree!