Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Book Group Weekend Woot Woot

We have our book group weekend this weekend. I'm really looking forward to it.
Usually we go to the beach, but the woman we usually rent the house from has accused us of burning her carpet with an iron. Can you imagine?! We barely even dress this weekend, let alone iron. We spend it in sweats, pjs and bathing suits if it's warm enough. So, this year we're doing something different and going to the Poconos.
We've had about two months of solid rain, and today the sun was out all day. It's actually supposed to be out for the next six days, and get warmer each day. By Saturday, it's supposed to be in the high 70's. It will be great for hanging on the deck, having a drink or two, and just gabbing, and reading and napping. Throw in some great food we all bring, and it's a perfect weekend!
Can't wait!