Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm afraid I spoke too soon, in regard to Renee. So, she's gotta get outta here...I won't/can't allow that kind of behavior around Braden and JJ.
Now comes my true dilemma...what about Goofy and the baby???? Just look at him!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's a miracle...a true blue spectacle

Well, it's close enough to a miracle that I'm counting it. I have the house nearly to myself. JJ is at football practice, Renee and Ray are out running errands and Keith is at work. Braden's in bed, so I find myself with 20 minutes or so before I have to go grocery shopping.

Renee has had a couple of pretty good weeks. Apparently it's harder after the first 30 days....then they say at day 60 it becomes a little easier. We're at about day 40. Knucklehead has practically found a job. The only thing is he needs his driver's license. That's right, he doesn't even have a license. They're going later today for him to take his permit test.

JJ got a concussion last week at football practice, but got "released" on Wednesday, so he was able to play in the scrimmage Thursday night. He did a really good job and was so pleased with himself. His attitude has done about a 160 degree turn so things are pretty good on that front.

Braden had his birthday party last night and he had a blast. They swam and hung out and played manhunt. What else could you ask for at 15? He's getting really excited to start school on Monday. It's hard to believe he's starting his first year of high school. I remember all the battles we had in elementary school like it was just yesterday.

I'm on the SAP team at work, and it's really a time consuming thing. Meetings after meetings after meetings. I'm trying to weed things out of my life that bog me down (ala Tree) and I prepared this whole speech that I was going to give the principal of all the reasons I have to resign from the team. All the other things I do at work, above and beyond my job description, that take all my free time...blah blah blah. While I know they can't force me to be on it, they did spend several hundred dollars to send me to the training and I wasn't sure how he'd take it. I walked in and said, "Can I talk to you about the SAP team?" He said, "You don't want to be on it anymore?" I replied meekly, "no." He said, "then quit." I asked if he wanted an explanation and he said, "You do so much around here, I'm sure whatever reason you have is a good one. I trust you." That made me feel good. One down, a thousand to go.

Friday, August 08, 2008


(Take ain't pretty)

JJ has been a shit lately. Sneaking out after we go to bed to meet with the girl that lives across the street. Lying about it. Being completely, postively miserable when faced with consequences for said behaviors. Sneaking around with other things too...more lying. Not the behavior we've seen in him in the two years since he's been here.

Braden is just being Braden. Enough said.

Renee, her idiot boyfriend and their baby have moved in with us. They think they'll have a better chance of finding gainful employment here as opposed to where they were living. Since they've been here, she slipped back into an old, terrible habit. So, now she's doing intense outpatient rehab. She's just begun a job waitressing. I have to practically be a prison guard. The boyfriend has done virtually nothing but sit in the living room and apply for jobs he's totally unqualified for. And, he talks as if he's the perfect guy. He can run a 2 minute mile, he is thinking about becoming a doctor (he only has one semester of post-high-school-education), he's the best father in the world (hardly), he makes up words, and he preaches about everything.

We're still in mortgage limbo. We can't get the home equity loan we wanted until Chase sends a letter saying we're current with our mortgage payments, which we are, but I can't get anyone to send the letter. We're supposed to be working something out with them by September, but so far I have about 20 un-returned voicemails in to them.

The only good thing is I get to see my adorable grandson every day.