Friday, August 08, 2008


(Take ain't pretty)

JJ has been a shit lately. Sneaking out after we go to bed to meet with the girl that lives across the street. Lying about it. Being completely, postively miserable when faced with consequences for said behaviors. Sneaking around with other things too...more lying. Not the behavior we've seen in him in the two years since he's been here.

Braden is just being Braden. Enough said.

Renee, her idiot boyfriend and their baby have moved in with us. They think they'll have a better chance of finding gainful employment here as opposed to where they were living. Since they've been here, she slipped back into an old, terrible habit. So, now she's doing intense outpatient rehab. She's just begun a job waitressing. I have to practically be a prison guard. The boyfriend has done virtually nothing but sit in the living room and apply for jobs he's totally unqualified for. And, he talks as if he's the perfect guy. He can run a 2 minute mile, he is thinking about becoming a doctor (he only has one semester of post-high-school-education), he's the best father in the world (hardly), he makes up words, and he preaches about everything.

We're still in mortgage limbo. We can't get the home equity loan we wanted until Chase sends a letter saying we're current with our mortgage payments, which we are, but I can't get anyone to send the letter. We're supposed to be working something out with them by September, but so far I have about 20 un-returned voicemails in to them.

The only good thing is I get to see my adorable grandson every day.


vq said...

Poor Schell.**

This, too, shall pass. Everything does, eventually.

Anonymous said...

Phew--that's not a restful summer at all.

I'm sure things will get better, eventually.

The Broards said...

I can't believe JJ's being a shit...that's not like him

Did you give Renee a time frame on staying with you?

schell said...

Until she saves enough money for a security deposit on an apartment. So, probably two years ~~0~~0~~

Sonya said...

I think you should designate a "private time for schell" policy where for one hour every day, you are alone in the bedroom or out for a walk or whatever and during that hour, everyone else who lives in your house has to do at least one thing to contribute to being there, cleaning a bathroom, starting dinner, shopping, etc. During that hour, no one can talk to you or even think about you, and when you come out or come home, you'll feel so much better. With all that manpower, you should never have to wash dishes again. I'm serious!

Bert Bananas said...

While we may not have any way to share or ease your burdens, we hope it helps that you know that there are people keeping their fingers crossed for you. Unless talking helps? There isn't one of us here who wouldn't listen and offer opinions and advice. You already have my number...

Anonymous said...


What's keith say about all of this? He's a nice guy, but doesn't respond well to pressure. Is Joe doing okay? It sounds like someone needs to be doing well in all of this stress.

I agree with Tree, she is a wise lady after all. You shouldn't have to mow a lawn, wash a dish, cook a meal, or clean a thing with all of the non-working people in your home.

Good luck to Renee with rehab, it sounds hard, and the stress doesn't help. I don't forsee the BF being around too long, if he isn't willing to grow up, he needs to go, and probably will. Lock your valuables up and don't give him any money.

I say this because with all my relatives, I had to learn that the hard way. If it gets to the point that they need something and it costs more than $10, buy it for them, especially if it's for the baby.

Maybe Renee will figure out that she can do bad on her own without him before bad things happen, but relationships like that usually end up with cops showing up.

I'm sad for JJ, he knows better and needs to get it together. Did this start before or after Renee, the baby, and boy wonder moved in or after? The opposite sex is the cause of almost every teenage problem ever.

Verb's right, it'll pass eventually.


Anonymous said...

Obviously Schell JJ is fucking the chick across the street. What a great deal for him . If I were his age and had the same opportunity I would do the same. Most young males would . Make sure he doesn't get her pregnant. You can mention a condom and disease but I doubt it will have much effect . Actually you need to talk to the girl and make sure shes on the pill . Of course it wil pass . everything does but its the time before the passing that can be a problem . I have no comment on Renee except best of luck to her . As far as her BF goes he sounds like a neer do well that you are stuck with. Good luck Schell , you will likely need it in the coming days , allan

schell said...

Really, Allan? I thought they were having their clandestine meetings so they could read banned library books.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Schell, no shit , he's fucking this chicks brains out! Lord Schell, i knew you were naive but really this is simple. So when will you be taking care of JJ Jr? The Schell Nursery and day care center . Maybe you can get a bank to underwrite the new business and that will take care of the morgage problem . see how it all works out? allan

Anonymous said...

Psssst, Allan...she was being sarcastic.

We're sending all the good thoughts we can--it's not much, vent whenever necessary :-)

vq said...

Psst. Schell was being sarcastic, too.

Anonymous said...

Yo schell, the only thing these 2 are reading is the Karma Sutra !

Clank Napper said...

Two years?! Are you some kinda saint?

Jilly said...

Dearest Schell,

How far from Hagerstown are you (I'm about 1.5 hours from there)? I was wondering if you'd like to meet for lunch like we did a few years back, but bring our babies this time and just take a small break from things. If that's too out-of-your way, I'm about 45 mins. from York and maybe 1.5 hours from Lancaster. Either way, weekends are good for me and I'm willing to make a trip to see you.


vq said...


Speak to us, Schell. We're worried.

schell said...

Don't be worried. I just have virtually no time right now. I do check the blogs, but I usually do it on the run when I can't take the time to comment.