Thursday, April 20, 2006

A little satisfaction

I called JJ's DHS caseworker. I got no reply. However, I'm told these caseworkers from Philadelphia have huge case loads and not to be surprised if it takes a couple of days to hear from her. So, last night, I sent her an email, saying I knew she was very busy, but I had some concerns about JJ and the Children's Home and would appreciate a phone call when she had a chance.
She called me this morning. I explained some things to they only let him visit for three out of the six Easter vacation days, how he's still in the Acopian center, even though his 30 day "punishment" period was over two weeks ago. I told her how some staff, off the record, told me administrative staff are doing things to purposely piss him off, so when he gets angry (For the record, the kid's biggest problem is his anger issues) they can punish him for it. I said that staff has told me that we need to do what we can to get him out of there for his own good. I said that no one ever returns my phone calls when I call about him, and that we can't even get a date as to when he can come and stay with us, and that they won't even let him sleep over when he visits. SHE WAS LIVID!
It seems she called and requested that he be allowed to spend his entire Easter break with us and they said "No problem". She was also assured that he would only spend 30 days in the Acopian Center. She was really pissed about the way they "test" him by doing things to make him angry and said that wasn't the least bit theraputic, in fact it boarders on abuse. She also said their goal is to get kids into foster homes as quickly as possible, and there should be nothing holding the process up. I told her about my warning not to "step on anyone's toes" or else it would get held up even more. She intends to call there today, to check on how things are going. She's not going to mention our phone call. She's going to ask how JJ's making out since he's been out of the Acopian center and how he enjoyed his Easter break with us. She also said she's going to make an unannounced visit there next week...just to shake things up.
She was very nice, very reassuring and SO NOT like dealing with someone from an agency notorious for being bogged down with red-tape and case overloads. She's also going to personally pick JJ and his brother up next Saturday, take them to visit their brother in Philadelphia foster care, then bring them both back to my house for the rest of the weekend.
She told me she'd get back to me as soon as she heard anything from the Children's Home and I should feel free to call her anytime if things like this continue. She also said that she's glad I'm involved in JJ's life, and this is exactly what he needs, someone to fight for him and show him that they're there for him. I'm so glad I called!


vq said...

Absolutely wonderful news. I've been checking every day to see if you'd managed to make contact with her.

Good for you for being proactive about JJ!

Jenny Robin said...

Good job, Schell! Keep calling and following up on things. Be assertive like you are being.

Meme said...

Hooray hopefully things will move a little faster now

schell said...

haha, doubt it.
I called today to confirm his weekend visit, and they said he wasn't allowed to come, and due to confidentiality, they could only tell me that it was because he "wasn't doing what he was supposed to do". I hate them.

schell said...

I spoke with his DHS worker and she was told that the other night they were restraining a boy, and JJ made the comment to the boy standing next to him, "if they ever try that with me, I'd kill them."....But, when I went to visit him last night one of the staff said to me, "I'm still trying to work on getting him to come and visit with you this weekend. It wasn't JJ that said that, it was another kid. I was standing right there." He just didn't know if he could get the decision changed since it's the weekend and the "big shots" weren't around to reverse it.

Meme said...

what is wrong with these people,they wont be happy until they've forced him to prove them right

Anonymous said...

It is very good that you have the caseworker in your corner. Hang in there! keep fighting!

UrbanStarGazer said...

I totally agree with the DHS worker that what they're doing borders on abuse. Is there a state agency which governs these homes that you could report them to or that the DHS worker could report them to? When you call the DHS worker to tell her what's up, you should give her the name of the staffer that told you that JJ wasn't the one to make the statement.

Also, I keep thinking this must be a funding thing. That the Acopian Center must get money based on how many kids they have and how many days the kids spend there. I can't see any other reason for the bullshit and delays unless they truly are just a bunch of sadistic fucks.

I tend to have the attitude that I can bend the universe to my will on things like this, especially if I know I'm in the right and . . . it just infuriates me that they can do this to a kid and get away with it. There's got to be something that can be done about them.

Do you have a local tv station that has a hotline you could contact or threaten to contact to expose them? Or child protective services or something? Who threatened you not to make waves?

UrbanStarGazer said...

Also, have you thought about contacting an attorney?

UrbanStarGazer said...

Maybe the district attorney? I realize this probably sounds extreme but, these people really are abusive.