Monday, April 24, 2006

Blah Blah Blah

I have had guests for dinner at my house for the past three Sundays. I'm tired of cooking and cleaning. This weekend, NOTHING. Got it? Zip.

Friday night, Keith and I are going to see Ron White at a local theater. Now I just have to find a babysitter for Braden. Not that I can call it that without offending the lad, but I don't like to leave him alone at night. Hopefully, I'll find a friend's house for him to sleep over.

I heard from JJ's DHS worker today. He has a meeting at the Children's Home on May 2nd, and she's going. Hopefully they'll get some things ironed out. And, she's picking him and his brother up on Saturday, then driving them back to Philadelphia to pick up a brother in foster care there, then taking them to an aunt's house for a nice visit. He's really looking forward to that...he hasn't seen the one brother since last summer. I told him I'd get him a disposable camera so he can take a ton of pictures, then we can get some frames and put them in his room.

Braden has an easy week this week. He has a field trip to Medievel Times dinner theater on Wednesday. Thursday he's going to work with me for Take Your Child To Work Day, then Friday he has his last dance of the year. Except for tomorrow, it will be a piece of cake to wake him up every morning.

One of my students at school told me that my family reminds him of the Huxtables. I told him that he was right except that 1. We're white 2. I'm not a lawyer 3. My husband isn't a doctor 4. We don't live in a brownstone in NYC and 5. My husband doesn't eat pudding.


UrbanStarGazer said...

I bet Emma "eats" puddin'.

Jenny Robin said...

yak, urb...blech

The Broards said...

har har Urban :)

Is Ron White the Tator Salad guy?

schell said...

Yes, Emma. "They call me....Tator Salad"