Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"the twelve pains of Christmas"

All the work of the past few weeks ended yesterday. Thank goodness.

The kids liked their gifts, even though we weren't able to find a Wii. Everyone bought Renee "baby things", so I got her things that had nothing to do with the baby....a nice purse, a robe, slippers...she seemed to really like it all. Joe didn't come down for Christmas, so we'll semi-do-it-again when he's off work. It's a good thing I do a Christmas club every year, or I don't know how we would have afforded it.
We went to Afro's for Christmas dinner, and watched some old family video's. It was a nice day.

I informed everyone that I'm taking today off. I said last night, "I am doing nothing tomorrow. I might put my laundry away, and I might made dinner, but other than that, I'm doing nothing!" I'm exhausted from all the cooking, baking, shopping, wrapping and cleaning. It will be nice to have a day to do absolutely nothing. I'm going to read and watch tv and sit around. My Christmas gift to me.

I made a great stuffed flank steak the other night. It was filled with gorgonzola cheese, parmesean cheese, roasted red peppers and spinach, then rolled and braised, then slow cooked for about an hour. It was delicious. The cheeses mixed with the red peppers was fantastic.

I hope everyone had a great holiday yesterday, and has a relaxing time, at some point, between now and the new year.


vq said...

Hell, I'm taking the day off, too. You've inspired me!

And pony up the recipe for the flank steak--it sounds wonderful!

The Broards said...

ditto about the flank steak. What did Tea Lady get you for Christmas?
How WAS Afro? Did he mention me?

Clank Napper said...

I don't eat dead things, but I am giving meself a day off too.

Catz said...

I gave myself several days off!They were fun filled too!

glad your christmas was joyful. happy new year!

Anonymous said...

clank, veggies are dead when you eat them....

i'm glad you had a nice day, sorry you didn't get to see joe.

did you get anything you like for christmas?


UrbanStarGazer said...

Happy New Year! Sounds like you had a nice holiday. Hope your day off went well.