Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Good luck moving up, cuz I"m moving out..."

Braden has a new friend that lives in town. Now he knows the joys of "town life". When he goes to this kid's house, they ride bikes all over the place. They visit other friends. They ride to the park or to the school or to 7-11 for slushies and beef jerky.
The other day he said, "I think we should sell our house and move in town." I explained to him that I understand the appeal, but remember, that means you wouldn't have a pool or be able to ride the four wheeler if you live in town.
After thinking about it for a few minutes, he said, "Couldn't you and dad get divorced, but not really get divorced? Just live in separate houses. One of you could live in town and the other could live here. Then I could just go back and forth depending on my mood."
Keith said, "no way!"
I said I'd think about it.


The Broards said...

r snort

UrbanStarGazer said...

ha ha ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

keith just doesn't want to pay for two houses and to take care of you and the kids without ANY hope for sex-he's a smart man. i hope you have a good holiday schell.
