Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'd love to think of a title, but I have African Sleeping Sickness

I still feel the same. Tired, tired, tired, my elbows, hips, ankles, fingers and feet hurt and I keep getting these awful headaches in the back of my head, right above my neck. I decided I'd call the doctor on Monday. I wanted to give it at least a week to see if it would go away, or at least get better, but it hasn't.

At the risk of sounding like my mother...I checked my symptoms online and found exactly what I must have. I'm only missing one symptom, but I don't think it's a major one. Are you ready? I think I have African Sleeping Sickness. I have everything listed, except, I haven't been to Africa and been bitten by an insect. I keep telling everyone, "I'd be happy to make dinner, except I have African sleeping sickness. I'd run you up to Blockbuster, but I have African sleeping sickness." They're not finding it as amusing as I do.

Seriously, though, I think I might have Lyme's disease. I don't know that I've ever been bitten by a tick, but it's quite possible as in the summer and fall, we're always pulling them off of the boys. Being surrounded by woods and fields here, it could be possible.

Of course, it could all be from stress, I suppose. We still don't know anything final about our mortgage, which is very stressful. And then there's the fact that I'm Braden's mom....more stress. And, two months away from being a grandmother. I worry about Renee and the choices she's made and part of me fears I'm going to wind up raising a grandchild, which I don't know if I'm emotionally, physically or financially able to do.


Clank Napper said...

I think you are probably exhausted. I know I would be if I were you.

Anonymous said...

hope you get out from under all that soon and get yourself checked out for Lyme -- it'e very treatable unless you let it go on too long. best of luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

Have the Doc check your thyroid.

Anonymous said...

It could one of so many things, or a combination of things. You could either see a doctor or do what I do and wait and see if it goes away - which always works - until the one time it doesn't!

Get well soon!

Bert Bananas said...

I prescribe hot sex.

Anonymous said...

I still think you are early in the first trimester. Don'tworry.

Anonymous said...

I understand your fear of raising your grandchild. My fear is that i'll end up with my sister's kids any day now.

if it's a girl, and you need anything, I have lots of clothing and even diapers left over that we didn't get to use for Mandolin. someone gave me premie diapers that never applied to me. The baby will be in a new carseat soon too.

try taking a vitamin every day and see if that helps. I can feel it when I forget my multi-vitamin.


Sonya said...

Please update us. How was the week?

Brenda said...

i hope you visited the dr. how are you?