Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"a b c ... it's easy as 1 2 3"

Let's see. My Lyme test came back did the other five thing they tested for. So, my doctor sent me for two additional blood tests...both of which came back negative. I have another appointment tomorrow night, and I dont' know what he'll recommend next. But, I still feel like crap. Today it's in my hip and feet mostly.

I just finished reading a book which I really enjoyed...Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn. We're reading it for book group this month. I liked it so much that I'm reading another book by him called Ibid. They're quirky and I loved the play on words in Ella Minnow Pea. The author is calling in for our book discussion on the 15th, and I'm looking forward to hearing from him.

Our new mortgage company has extended the 75% payment stipulation until the end of March, but other than that, there's nothing new on that front either. It's a game of wait and see.

I don't really have much else to report. I'm anxious for winter to be over and to feel better.


Bert Bananas said...

With the drop in interest rates, can you push through a refi of the whole amount over 40 years? One would think that this would bring the monthly bite down to something within reason...

schell said...

I'd be 85 until it was paid off!!!!

I went to the doctor's last night...he's baffled. However, since the glands in my neck are very swollen, he's starting me on an antibiotic, and I have to go get retested for Lyme in two weeks.

Bert Bananas said...

Schell, this is the new America... No one ever pays off their mortgage. Besides, what's the difference between 75 and 85? Anyway, what you do is put Britney Spears on your title, refi the whole 300,000, get mortgage insurance on her and then you'll own the house free and clear by X-mess.

Always glad to lend a hand.

Anonymous said...

sorry you still feel sick, remember what ded said about lyme disease. i real ella minnor pea and loved it.
