Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"When I get older....."

I don't know what's wrong with me.
On Saturday, I woke up and my feet, ankles and hands were swollen. And, it hurt my feet to walk...but I chalked it up to the swelling.
Sunday, they had gone down a bit, but my wrists and ankles really hurt. Sunday night, my neck started hurting too.
Monday, it was still the same, slight swelling but pain in my joints.
Yesterday, my fingers joined in the fun. but I could finally get my ring off.
Now, today, I have a stiff neck, sore ankles, painful wrists and my fingers hurt when I move them certain ways. The swelling is back too, and I have a headache.
I suppose it could all be related to my being sick over the holidays. Or else I'm just old.
If it doesn't soon go away, I'll go to the doctor.


Sonya said...

Kind of sounds like a viral illness. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Go see a doctor Schell . I have achey joints and such from age but that swelling is something that doesn't seem right to me. Can't hurt to go to the doctor and at least get it checked out , allan

Brenda said...

i think you should get that checked out by a dr. also.

old age doesn't show up over night... usually.

Catz said...

The aches seem like old age thing but the swelling doesn't set right with me. Old age just doesn't appear over night. Go to the doctor. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I will join mine to the chorus: get thee to a doctor!

Bert Bananas said...

Just to sort of even out the commentary, I've been getting "swellings" since puberty and sometimes it really hurt. The ache was very profound. The aching finally went away, once I learned to self-medicate. Can you send me photos of your swellings?

Anonymous said...

What are the chances you are pregnant?

vq said...

Sounds like an allergic reaction to something. Did you eat something different?

The Broards said...

Keith is probably trying to kill you with arsenic

Sonya said...

How are you feeling now?