Thursday, July 06, 2006

Infestation - yuk

I've been infested....inside and out.

We have a terrible Japanese Beetle problem. It's in my old-man-walking-stick, my rose bushes, my pussy willow (sssh, Bert), my sandcherry (again, sssh)and Keith's prized Japanese red maple...they're everywhere. We've sprayed them a couple of times, and they just keep coming back. It's gross to see them all over the leaves...and most of the time they're having sex. I'm afraid it's turning Keith on.

I went to the dentist today for my cleaning. My gums are a mess. They've been slowly becoming a mess, but in the last three months, they've gotten extremely worse. And, I have a baby tooth (2nd from the front) that's getting very very loose. If it falls out, I won't leave the house. My teeth are crooked and I have a complete overbite. I just want to have them all yanked and get beautiful, straight, white false teeth. My dentist says I shouldn't do she just saying that because she's a dentist? If I don't do that I'm looking at gum surgeries, orthodontics and implants...probably about double the price of a good set of dentures.


sparky said...

KEEP YOUR TEETH !!!!!!! Have the work done on your teeth to keep them . And your gums too . False teeth are terrible things . My God Schell, you want your teeth in a glass of water over night. Aren't you pretty young? 40s? Heres the only upshot I've heard about dentures (no teeth ) . Blow jobs from toothless women are suppose to be terrific . This is hearsay , being a gay guy I wouldn't know . As far as your jap beetle problem goes there must be an effective insecticide out there . You can get beetle traps that will help but not solve the problem . You can also spent the time to hand pick them off and toss them into a can of alcohol . They don't bite . Also try online a place called . Its organic stuff . Some of it might be very effective . Allan

Catz said...

lol AK!

Keep your teeth if you can schell.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you a tad, ah, not young to still be having baby teeth?

I remember Japanese beetles; they would infest my mom's grape arbor, and she'd have all of us out there to eradicate them. We don't have them down here, and I don't miss them one bit.

schell said...

It never fell out because there wasn't a 2nd tooth to come in its place. So, technically, yes I'm a little "not young" to have a baby tooth, but I do nonetheless.

sparky said...

I didn't want to say anything about the baby tooth Kath but I surely wondered why someone Schells age would have one and hoped liked hell she didnt' mention her "baby" tooth in the application to adopt JJ . Allan

The Broards said...

Dear Gummy,
Do not follow Sparks' advice (as if you would) and get Japanese beetle traps!!! they would only lure MORE beetles to your sneaky and put the traps up in your NEIGHBOR'S yard. heeheee

sparky said...

I wasn't advocating getting traps , i just know they exist . I haven't seen japanese beetles in years here tho I remember them well from when I was a kid . I'm a firm believer in bringing back DDT which would wipe out your beetles Schell and if used with caution wouldn't hurt birds either and an added bonus DDT used on a very limited basis can also eliminate malaria in Africa ( this should appeal to Emma and Bill Gates ). The original problem with DDT is it was thrown around like it was Kool ade . Used responsibily it can be a huge benefit for mankind . Lets not forget a million Africans a year die needlessly from malaria. Many of them children .

The Broards said...

Since when do you care about African children?

Anonymous said...

Two words to get Keith excited:

Gummy Bare

Anonymous said...

OK, those beetles do bite, and they stink when you smoosh them.

Some people in my family have baby teeth they never lost. I took my daughter in for Xrays because I got worried when a new tooth took forever to come in.

Why can't we just be like sharks and have a whole row waiting to replace lost ones? Can you imagine that blowjob?

sparky said...

Japanese beetles might nip but they dont really bite . Their feet feel very creepy on your fingers and there is no need to squash them. We used to drop them into a coffee can of kerosene to kill them . I suggested alcohol only because I though someone like schell wouldn't want to mess with kerosene. Now that I hear shes near being a toothless white trash hag tho I revise my letter and reccomend it. As to my love of african babies ( I would of put money on emma mentioning this ) it's well known I've always loved the black man , I think I've pointed out in the past I even saw BB King 5 times and shook his hand each time . Actually I'm not that worried about African babies dying of malaria ( i have other problems) and if you were honest Emma neither are you or you would be over there helping out . But I do like simple solutions and there is a simple solution to the malaria problem and its very limited use of the insecticide DDT . Malaria was almost a wiped out disease when DDT was being used and it wasn't till after it's ban that it came roaring back to kill off black africans to the tune of a million a year and to sicken many millions more . I wont get into it here , do some research but DDT used sparingly can again eliminate the malaria scourge ravaging Africa today . Rachell Carson "may " have saved birds of prey but shes reponsible for millions of Africans a year dying from an easlly controlable disease .

The Broards said...

LOL Anonymoose

Catz said...

It's rained here alot so I have ants,Palmetto bugs and mosquitos.I hope Mr. TOS will take down that tree that the Palmetto bugs call their second home on sunny days.

Bugs! eeeeck!I hate it when the Palmetto's fly.Then I'm gone!

UrbanStarGazer said...

We had really big black ants roaming around the cabin here and there but we had the cabin sprayed and they're gone.

Anonymous said...

Now if you'll just have the cabin spayed you won't have to worry about little doll houses cluttering up the landscape.

Meme said...

Why can't we just be like sharks and have a whole row waiting to replace lost ones? Can you imagine that blowjob?

how come yu can mention blow jobs on another teachers blog but not your own?