Sunday, July 30, 2006

"And the course of a lifetime runs, over and over again"

We're having a family reunion today. All relatives from my father's side of the family. The first one we've ever had. It should prove to be very interesting.
My father's family is filled with crazy people. Seriously. My dad's brother, Uncle Dick (I like saying that) is a hobo. He wanders from town to town and bar to bar. I haven't seen him in years. He used to show up at my brother's in the winter if it was going to dip below zero and ask to sleep on their couch. I really don't even know if he's still alive. My dad's two sisters didn't speak to eachother in over 40 years - and the arguement started over a crib. One of the sister's has passed away since, she was my favorite aunt in the whole world. But, she didn't speak to her own children in over 30 years. She passed away with grandchildren she'd never met. The other sister, for some unknown reason, will not speak with my father. And, trust me, my father doesn't get involved in any of the bickering. He's like Switzerland. That's okay though, she was always the meanest, scariest one of the bunch anyway. I used to spend weeks at a time at her house when I was a kid because her daughter is my age and we used to be close. I haven't seen the daughter in years.
So, attending this family reunion will be: My father and tea lady, my half-brother and his family, my brother and his family, my sister, the children of the aunt who passed away and most of their families (they're mostly married with children of their own now), the son of the mean aunt and his family, and supposedly the daughter of the mean aunt, but I doubt she'll actually show up, oh and of course me and my family.
I was talking to my half-brother yesterday, and neither one of us can remember ever being together with all the cousins at the same time. No holiday dinners, no weddings, no funerals. Never. I'm pretty sure we should have some sort of law enforcement agency on standby.


Brenda said...

so what brought on the idea to have the reunion and who decided to get everyone together? I hope JJ won't be traumatized.

Jenny Robin said...

JJ will probably laugh himself silly.

The Broards said...

I've always disliked big family reunions. We'd get together with people we'd see once every 5 or 10 years--to what end? Are we supposed to like "blood" relatives better than close family and friends?

Anonymous said...

Family reunions are fun, but I say so because I come from a very small family.

(Oh, and Richard knew the song, but I didn't.)

UrbanStarGazer said...

That is one of my all time favorite songs. I've never figured out why but I just LOVE that song.

I have 40 or 50 cousins out there on my dad's side and I've only met 3 of them. I've always kinda wished my dad's family would have a family reunion just so I could see them.

The three I met when I was 17 were all in their mid to late 40s. My father was the third youngest of 13 so most of my cousins have kids my age. I could pass them on the street and I'd never know them.

Meme said...

what she forgot to mention is that the reunion will be live on the jerry springer show .
I love our family reunions we had one fr my sisters 50th a couple of years ago and I was still drinking with my cousins at 6 am a full 16 hours after it all started, god I was ill for days after but it was fabu;lous ,especially when mark did karaoke without any music or microphone..... oh and we kept ording bottles of champagne and putting it on my brother peters hotel bill, fortunately he didn;t find out until we had all left the hotel

Meme said...

did they kill and eat her ?

Brenda said...

they may have. she seems to have disappeared.