Sunday, April 09, 2006

The scoop

We went to JJ's meeting on Wednesday night. The meeting itself was good, although unnecessary. The meeting was about the sponsoring program. Hello? We've been sponsoring him since the beginning of December. But, we're officially approved to be his sponsors. The man we met with was very nice, and gave us some good advice about fostering. But, he left us with two words...patience and perseverance. How do you do both???
JJ was supposed to have his 30 day meeting on Thursday, to see if he could get out of the Acopian center. Of course, they cancelled it. Of course, that discouraged him. He's slipping and I'm worried about him. He was supposed to come and visit us this weekend, but he called Saturday morning to say he wasn't allowed to come. It seems that on Friday night, another resident there was annoying the crap out of him. JJ told him several times he wasn't in the mood, but the kid kept bugging and bugging him. JJ was ready to fight him, but instead, walked outside to cool off. TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! However, walking outside got him in trouble. It's against the he got two days of punishment. Luckily, the senior weekend staff at the Acopian is very nice and really likes JJ, so we were allowed to visit. He seems depressed, like he's giving up and I'm very concerned.
I don't know how long he can keep his spirits semi-up, with the promise of "things will get better". My hands are tied, and that's the worst feeling in the world.


Meme said...

and then they wonder why kids become disaffected ,you would think someone somewhere woud realise kids are better off in a family environment that stuck in a home with other disaffected kids it makes no sense at all

schell said...

How's this for stupid...Over our long Easter break, he's allowed to come up to our house every single day, but he can't sleep over. He has to be back by 9:pm. I'm glad he can come up, but it's so ridiculous that he can't sleep over...even though we've been approved. It's just another way for them to punish him.

Meme said...

The more I har about the way social services work the more I wonder how any kid in care ever makes anything of their life

Anonymous said...

That is stupid, but at least, they are letting him visit during the day--this place sounds so capricious that is almost a miracle.

UrbanStarGazer said...

It's fucking form over substance and ridiculous. They'd rather follow some formulaic plan than actually do what is best for JJ. I fucking hate bureaucracy.

Poor JJ. Poor you guys too.