Monday, March 06, 2006

Good news and bad news

JJ's hearing was today...he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit theft. They let him off with a consent decree, which means that he'll have a period of probation, and when that's over, it will be erased from his record. He did me proud in the court room, yes sirring and no sirring the judge.

Now, as far as the Children's Home goes, he's on lock down for 30 days. He can go to school, then he comes back to the home and has to either be in his room, or one-on-one with staff. That's it. He's not allowed to come to our house, and so far, we're not even allowed to go visit him. (it's a good thing that I'll get to see him in school everyday) I think it's a bit much. We'll see how it goes for a bit, but I don't think coming to visis us, or us visiting him should be taken away from him. I may just have to call his DHS worker and see if I can get her to pull some strings.


Kathryn said...

All I can offer is that from the Children's Home point of view, having him on 30-day lockdown is the equivalent of being grounded. When Braden does something that you feel he needs to be punished for, you take away something that he will miss badly (like TV, or video games, or using the woodburning set on the dining room table legs); you don't tell him, "All right, young man, no more broccoli for you this month!"

The good things about this are, you will get to see him at school, and it's only for 30 days. Start planning for a big Easter!

schell said...

I don't have such a problem with the 30 day lock down. I just have a problem with him not being able to spend time with us. I'm not saying we should be able to take him to an amusement park, or out on a shopping spree, just a visit. It's not like we're his teenage friends.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Good point.