Saturday, March 04, 2006

Early Bird Specials

Ah, it's the weekend. No plans, really. This morning, I opened my tired eyes, and the sun was shining so brightly in my windows that I thought it had to be about 9:00. So, I got up, made myself a cup of tea, then looked at the clock. 6:30! Damn you sun! You all know what this mean, don't you? It means I'm getting old. Old people wake up early even when they don't have to. I'm getting old.

I might go to a basketball game this afternoon at the Children's Home. One of the kids at school asked me to go, and while I don't really like watching sporting events, I feel badly that these kids probably have no one watching their games, so I'll probably brave the cold and go. What's a couple of hours of my time, really?

This week at school, I was working on the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. The kids like when I get stuck and ask them if they know the answers, even though they very rarely know them. Here's a classic example: I need a five letter word horse. They'll say pony, colt, mare, etc. So, I'll say, "no, five letters and it begins with an S." Then, they'll only concentrate on the five letters and the S part and start yelling out any five letter words they can think of that start with S....speed, sugar,'s usually good for a laugh. But, this week, I needed a six letter word for a group of rabbits. I had no clue what the answer really was, and this one boy in the class raises his hand and says, completely deadpan, "jerk off!" "What?" I asked. "Jerk off," he repeated, totally seriously. I knew he wasn't just being a wise guy, and this poor kid really thought the term had something to do with rabbits, so I handed him a dictionary and told him if he could find it in there, he'd be able to prove it to me. Obviously, it wasn't in there and he sheepishly came over to my desk and said, "Sorry, Miss, I must have been thinking of something else."

I'm still loving my new car, even though my husband hasn't gotten the ladder out yet so I can program the garage door opener. I can't wait till the weather gets nicer so I can wash it out in the sun. It's one of my favorite summer activities. Well, that's about all I have. I have to go apply for my AARP card, and look into condos in Florida.


UrbanStarGazer said...

I think the word is "warren".

Hey! I've been getting up early since I was a toddler!

Let us know how the basketball game was!

Anonymous said...

damn, Urbles beat me to it

Kathryn said...

You should have pointed out that "jerk off" is seven letters, not six.

OK, now what is a five letter word house starting with S?

The Broards said...

"Sorry, Miss, I must have been thinking of something else."

Schell, since I usually have to get up at 5:30, sleeping until 7 on the weekends is heaven to me.

I'll be eligible for an AARP card in december (BITCH)

Anonymous said...


I did that yesterday (sat) morning. I woke up at 6:15 Am, and thought--crap, my alarm didn't go off and I need to be in Bumpkiss to teach--I fed all the cats, and was about to get towels when I realized--"Hey, it's Saturday!" Then I crawled back into bed and slept til 8.