Thursday, March 16, 2006

Do the cha cha

We've been without heat for two days. It's been freezing in here. Last night I sat with gloves on. We've had two people come to fix it, and it seems to work, but then it shuts down. Today, someone finally came and fixed it right, now I'm basking in warmth.
Last night, while I was doing dinner dishes, Braden came to me, all serious. "Mom," he said, "I need to know some things. Tell me about those cardboard pointy things girls use. Why do you put them up your butt?" I said, "Sit down, we need to have a chat." I proceeded to tell him, as generally as possible, about how the female body works, what a period is and why we get them. When I was done, he said, "But, I still don't get why you use those things up your butt." So, I was explaining to him that women have several to pee, one to poop and a third one where they have babies. I told him that you put the tampon in your "Cha Cha", or vagina to keep the blood from coming out. He looked at me and said, "Oh, you mean in your pussy?" What the??? I said that yes indeed that was a word used to describe the vagina, which I like to refer to as a cha cha, but that it didn't sound good, and I would appreciate it if he didn't use it. He agreed, but for the rest of the night, he kept saying (while chuckling to himself) Cha Cha! I really expected to get phone calls today from irate mothers because I was sure, in spite of repeated warnings not to, that Braden would go to school and tell everyone all about his new found information-with his own spin on it, of course. So far, my phone's been quiet. If only Braden would be.


Jenny Robin said...

That is priceless!

The Broards said...

You mean they DON'T go up your butt???????

That's great when your kid comes to you for Facts of Life stuff. Good for Braden!

UrbanStarGazer said...

Hee hee . . . Funny.

I agree, nice that he came to you with the question but . . . I have to wonder, where did he get the idea that they went up the butt?

schell said...

Because he knows girls don't have a penis, but as far as he knew, based on his own body, that's the only other hole there is.

Catz said...

I agree with Res...priceless

I'm glad he felt comfortable enough to come to you about it.