Monday, February 13, 2006

My Name is Schell

You know, I'm basically a good person. I don't lie (most of the time). I don't try to get "something for nothing". I don't exaggerate on my taxes. I don't take back things I broke to get my money back. It's just not me. But, I'm out of printer paper. And, I won't have time to get to the store to get any until the weekend, and Braden uses the computer for homework all the time. At work, we have reams and reams of printer paper. So, today, I took a handful...not even a whole ream. Just enough to get me through the week. No big deal, right? Wrong. I'm driving home from work today, minding my own business and some old geezer runs a stop sign and smashes right into me. My car is probably totalled, and I have one hell of a headache. If he would have hit me about a foot further to the right, I'd probably be in the hospital.
So, just like my good friend Earl, Karma is teaching me a lesson. I'm taking the paper back tomorrow.


Jenny Robin said...

Oh Schell...I'm so sorry you were in an accident. Take care of yourself.

Meme said...

Bert says theres no such thing as machina karma

Jenny Robin said...

I love Bert. He takes such good care of us girls... I mean, ladies.

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

Oh no Schell.... I am sorry your Karma had an accident. Keep the damn paper you earned it! It is not like you have not payed and payed and payed for it!

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

oh and Yeah for Bert except for dissing the chiropractors... Yes the Ortho would probably be the better choice in this circumstance, but he needn't be snooty!
My paternal grandparents studied under the Palmers themselves back in the 20's and my dad and god father were both chiropracters

schell said...

It's now the third headache is gone, but my shoulder and knee are a little bruised. I won't be going to a doctor, or an orthopedic surgeon, or a chiropractor. I'm fine. I'm not even taking advantage of the rental car...that's why everyone's insurance rates are so high, in my humble opinion. Right now, we're just hoping the car gets totalled.
Although, Bert, I thought of you when I had to give my taped statement to the insurance adjuster.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I want to live in Schell's world, if taking less than a ream of paper equals having a car accident. Especially since you were honestly going to replace the paper. What happens if you take paper clips? or an ink pen? And if you put your money into the vending machine and you end up with TWO packs of M&Ms, I don't think I want to be around you, because of whatever karmic horror is about to descend upon you.

Having said all that, take care of yourself, and I am happy the accident was not worse.

Anonymous said...

Since no one knows my account numbers to order things at work, I have to bring things to work and print things---does this mean good things should happen to me???

The Broards said...

I just talked to Pat Robertson. he said that because you are a thief, God will send a monsoon to Pennsylvania. So stock up on canned goods and get some hip waders

schell said...

The car was totalled, now comes the big debate....what to get as a replacement?

Oh, and the strangest's been raining. Not exactly raining, more like downpouring here since yesterday. But, only at my house. It's dry everywhere else. Weird.

schell said...

I didn't mention anything about being hurt. I'm fine now.

The Broards said...

"The car was totalled, now comes the big debate....what to get as a replacement?"
I've heard those nifty Honda Elements kick ass!!

schell said...

Not to start a riot or anything, but I think those Elements are UGLY