Monday, June 27, 2011

Nice try, sport

I heard a little rumor. Apparently Braden told some friends that he was going to say he couldn't get off work to go on vacation with us. And then he was going to have a "house party" while we were away.
Well, today I started my counter strike.
I told him that if he wasnt going, then neither was I. "WHAT?" he said. Incredulous.
I explained that he aaa thecmain reason we go and it he wasn't gong, we'd stay home and save the money!!
A little while later I got a text asking if he could bring a friend. Bwah wah aah!!!


emma said...

nice work Mom!~!!

Unknown said...

gak paham tapi numpang lewat.. salam kenal... mampir donk di blog ku
trimakasi salam kenal