Saturday, June 25, 2011

Nothing, buffalo legs, parties, trama and cobblestones.

I don't have much to report, but that's probably a good thing.
Renee and Brighton are here for the weekend...he's such a cutie. And, funny.
My SIL made a workout routine for me this week. I've been doing it faithfully. Still have buffalo legs (Thanks Nag)
We have yet another graduation party to go to today. And it's a double. Till this month is over, we'll probably have put out close to a mortgage payment in graduation cards.
I went bathing suit shopping last night...yuck! I think you should automatically be given flowers and something alcoholic to drink when you try on a bathing suit.
That's about it.
Oh, I'll leave you with this little joke:
Two nuns are riding their bikes through the back streets of Rome. One nun says to the other, "Funny, I've never come this way before." The other nun replies, "I know, it's the cobblestones."


emma said...

Smart retailers should put mood lighting in bathing suit dressing rooms.

Nun joke: -----0------0----

mavis sidebottom said...

two nuns in the bath one nun says "wheres the soap ".
The other nun says" yes it does doesn't it"

schell said...

I don't get it.