Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"a b c ... it's easy as 1 2 3"

Let's see. My Lyme test came back did the other five thing they tested for. So, my doctor sent me for two additional blood tests...both of which came back negative. I have another appointment tomorrow night, and I dont' know what he'll recommend next. But, I still feel like crap. Today it's in my hip and feet mostly.

I just finished reading a book which I really enjoyed...Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn. We're reading it for book group this month. I liked it so much that I'm reading another book by him called Ibid. They're quirky and I loved the play on words in Ella Minnow Pea. The author is calling in for our book discussion on the 15th, and I'm looking forward to hearing from him.

Our new mortgage company has extended the 75% payment stipulation until the end of March, but other than that, there's nothing new on that front either. It's a game of wait and see.

I don't really have much else to report. I'm anxious for winter to be over and to feel better.

Friday, January 25, 2008

"It's a boy"

And, he's just like his mom....stubborn. It took them over a half an hour to get him to move his hands away from his face for this shot.
According to the doctor, everything is moving along on schedule, and the baby is healthy and perfect.

Monday, January 21, 2008

This has been a good weekend. First of all, it's a long one. Second of all, I didn't have to get up for for three days in a row, I got to sleep until I woke up. It's amazing how different I feel when I don't have to get up at 5:15. We didn't have anything going on all weekend, so I wasn't on any kind of schedule.

Today I have to take Braden to an orthodontist appointment, stop at Walmart for wrapping paper, and one of those thingies that you use to make a plate stand up. Then I have to dust and vacuum the living room. Oh, and make the boys do their laundry.
Tonight we have to go to Afro's for his and Shay's birthday. Shay just had her bedroom redone. It's all peptobismal pink and green. So, I painted her some pictures to hang on her wall. What do you think? The colors are a little bright for my taste, but I think she'll love them.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Yeah, that's the ticket..."

I went to the doctor's on Thursday. He's pretty sure it's Lyme's disease. I had to go for blood work yesterday morning. And, while he was at it, he had them check my sugar levels, my thyroid, a test for rheumatoid arthritis, and a couple of other things I can't even remember. He said the Lyme test can take about a week to come back. He also said there was nothing I can do in the mean time, except continue to pop extra strength tylenol like m & m 's.

We got a new kid in our class last week. What a duzy. He tells these unbelievable stories, and of course, the angels in the class egg him on so the stories just keep getting more and more grandiose. So far we've learned that he has three hired bodyguards (because in his line of work, that's what you need to do); he bought his girlfriend an 8 carat diamond ring at Kay Jewelers for $500, but then she cheated on him with his best friend; he's been accepted at Florida State University (he's only a junior who reads at a first grade level); he works from 4:00 till 10:00 everyday cutting down trees and makes $32./hour; he has his own house where he lives by himself. After one of his lengthy boasting sessions yesterday, my sweetie B yelled out, "Dude, you're a pathological liar. You know that's a disease, right?" His reply? "Yeah, my sister has it."

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'd love to think of a title, but I have African Sleeping Sickness

I still feel the same. Tired, tired, tired, my elbows, hips, ankles, fingers and feet hurt and I keep getting these awful headaches in the back of my head, right above my neck. I decided I'd call the doctor on Monday. I wanted to give it at least a week to see if it would go away, or at least get better, but it hasn't.

At the risk of sounding like my mother...I checked my symptoms online and found exactly what I must have. I'm only missing one symptom, but I don't think it's a major one. Are you ready? I think I have African Sleeping Sickness. I have everything listed, except, I haven't been to Africa and been bitten by an insect. I keep telling everyone, "I'd be happy to make dinner, except I have African sleeping sickness. I'd run you up to Blockbuster, but I have African sleeping sickness." They're not finding it as amusing as I do.

Seriously, though, I think I might have Lyme's disease. I don't know that I've ever been bitten by a tick, but it's quite possible as in the summer and fall, we're always pulling them off of the boys. Being surrounded by woods and fields here, it could be possible.

Of course, it could all be from stress, I suppose. We still don't know anything final about our mortgage, which is very stressful. And then there's the fact that I'm Braden's mom....more stress. And, two months away from being a grandmother. I worry about Renee and the choices she's made and part of me fears I'm going to wind up raising a grandchild, which I don't know if I'm emotionally, physically or financially able to do.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"When I get older....."

I don't know what's wrong with me.
On Saturday, I woke up and my feet, ankles and hands were swollen. And, it hurt my feet to walk...but I chalked it up to the swelling.
Sunday, they had gone down a bit, but my wrists and ankles really hurt. Sunday night, my neck started hurting too.
Monday, it was still the same, slight swelling but pain in my joints.
Yesterday, my fingers joined in the fun. but I could finally get my ring off.
Now, today, I have a stiff neck, sore ankles, painful wrists and my fingers hurt when I move them certain ways. The swelling is back too, and I have a headache.
I suppose it could all be related to my being sick over the holidays. Or else I'm just old.
If it doesn't soon go away, I'll go to the doctor.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year...when will God's Kingdon come?

As I mentioned before, Christmas was nice here. JJ started with a head cold that ended the day after Christmas, just in time for Keith and I to get it. Braden never did get it, and as I told Bert, perhaps his staying up late, eating junk food and playing video games strengthened his immunity system. I never actually got the cold part, just the achey body, sweats and chills and absolutely no energy. I barely moved from the bed to the couch. I did get some reading done. I read "Pillars of the Earth". I enjoyed it, but it was way too heavy. Nearly 1000 pages. It took all my strength just to hold it upright while I read. I almost didn't make it to work today, but I was a trooper and went in.

A couple of weeks ago, we promised Braden and JJ they could each have four friends sleep over on New Year's Eve. And, they held us to it. I felt bad canceling just because I didn't feel well. They were all very good. Loud. But very good. They were up until 5:00 in the morning, watching movies. I got up on Tuesday to 8 bodies sleeping on my living room floor (two of the kids weren't able to stay over). At about 11:00 there was a knock on the door. Jehovah's Witnesses. ON NEW YEARS MORNING????? I told them I had a houseful of kids and that it wasn't a good time. They were kind enough to leave me with a copy of the Watchtower. I told the kids, when they woke up, that I should have thrown them under the bus and told the JW's that there were 8 souls in there just waiting to be saved. But, once again, I listened to the angel on my shoulder instead of the other guy.