Saturday, March 26, 2011


I had the final step in my "mouth job" done on Thursday. I had my remaining seven front teeth pulled and a denture put in. My mouth hurts so much, but I know that will only last another day or two. It will be so nice to have a full set of teeth that are straight and where they're supposed to be. As soon as this swelling goes down, that is.

I always think I'd like some time to just lay around and do nothing. This was my excuse. I was looking forward to being on the couch, reading, watching television for a couple of days. It lasted one. Actually three quarters of one. I can't do nothing. So, yesterday I started painting my bathroom walls. I just painted my powder room, and my plan was to get some wall decals of chandeliers to put on the largest wall in there. But, those decals are over $30 each, so you know me. I decided to draw them on there and paint them myself.

I have two done so far.........
What do you think? I have two more to do.


Brenda said...

i think you did a wonderful job. feel better!

Sonya said...

I am so impressed. Wow. You must have a very steady hand. Did you draw that without a template?

Hope your mouth feels better soon.

Catz said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Those look really nice. Impressed.

Jenny Robin said...

Verrrrrry nice job with the painting!

UrbanStarGazer said...

WOW!!! They're fabulous.