Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brighton's birthday party

Brighton's party was a lot of fun. A little chilly, but nice and sunny.
I got to spend a good part of my afternoon in the moonbounce. Brighton said, "Gigi, you come in with me?" So I went in. Then other kids came in and he ignored me. So, I'd try to sneak out, and he'd catch me every time. "Gigi, you don't want to stay in here with me?" So, of course I'd stay.

Here are some pictures from the party. Me, Afro and his girlfriend enjoying some great food. Braden playing some basketball. Brighton opening his presents. Brighton, Renee and Mickey (who he wasn't too thrilled with), and Me and the little cutey in the ball pit.


Jilly said...

our family's kid party season opens in march too and ends in Dec. we get a 2.5 month break from a party every other weekend or so. we're going to a BBQ this weekend that i had to bump my hair appt for, so i'm hoping it doesn't blow. you're right, a lot of the kids have so much stuff, it's hard to find something that anyone really wants/needs. i now understand the cash in the card method. i've taken to giving my kid $10-$15 and letting her pick something out and then giving that to the kid, or just buying clothing, mom's always like clothing. whatever i buy, i buy it 1-2 sizes too big, b/c these kids have plenty of clothing.

glad it was a nice time, my kid loves people dressed as characters unless it's santa. she has a HATE of santa that's a thing all to its own. she likes the giant cat person they have at the library though, so i have high hopes for the easter bunny.

Catz said...

sounds like it was fun.

emma said...

Braden looks like an Abercrombie model,

WTF? Afro with a girlfriend? I thought he was married??

Brenda said...

your hair is cute! you are a hot gigi!

schell said...

Thank you for the compliments!!

Emma-afro and his wife are getting divorced. They haven't been together for over a year. I thought I told you all that!

Anonymous said...

This is The Nagual speaking.

What manner of beverage is "Schweppes"? It looks like it might be Ginger Ale. Are gingers required to drink Schweppes when being photographed?

Why does Afro look nothing like you?

Who graffitti's his shirt?

What does that newspaper behind your head in the photo say?

Do 3 people really need 5 beverages?

Whose phone is that on the table? What is the number?

What the hell is that dog staring at in the 3rd picture? He's giving me the stink eye.

Why is Scott Baio standing behind Mickey Mouse?

That is all.

schell said...

Schwepps is ginger ale, and I'd always choose it over a cola. Not sure about the newspaper, it probably is something about the Yankees. That's my ex-husband's favorite sports team, and since it's his basement, that's what I'll go with.
It's afro's phone, you don't want the number. The shirt came with graffiti.
I have no idea who you think looks like Scott Baio.

emma said...

Schell, you probably did tell us that Afro was divorcing and I probably forgot. It's comforting that Afro chose a woman who looks EXACTLY like me to hook up with!!!

emma said...

PS: I enlarged that picture of "Mickey Mouse" and it's a FAUX Mickey Mouse! Do the Disney people know about this impostor? I'm surprised they don't issue a cease & desist letter

schell said...

What's fake about him? It's a costume Renee rented. I wonder if it's bootleg?

UrbanStarGazer said...

Afro is hot.

UrbanStarGazer said...

And Brighton is adorable.