Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mickey Mouse cups

Painting is almost done. I also painted a square in the kitchen with blackboard paint. Braden and Gio are having fun drawing on it, trying to out-do eachother with insults and whatnot. I had some old trim pieces in the garage and I'm using them to make a frame around the blackboard. All I have to do is the accent wall yet, but I'm taking this weekend off. Things have become a little neglected around here. So, today I'm going to be cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, laundry, etc. All the fun stuff.
Tomorrow is Brighton's birthday party. He's three now. He told me over the phone, "Gigi, you coming to my party? I got Mickey Mouse cups!" Looking forward to a day of doing nothing, and seeing him. I have to run out today and get him a gift. He has SO MUCH stuff, I'm just getting him a little game or something and a savings bond. Plus, my ex brother-in-law owns a restaurant and is a great cook, so I'm looking forward to eating a lot tomorrow.

1 comment:

emma said...

Blackboard paint: I see that used in a lot of the home makeover shows and wondered if it works well. Tell me, tell me.

Oh, good call-out on the savings bonds things. My father started that when Liam was a baby. Do you know now those bonds are worth nearly $10,000??? Liam doesn't even KNOW about them. When he moves out, buys a house . . . or whatever I'll just hand them over. Maybe I'll wait until he's 25 or 30. What a surprise he'll have from his grandma and grandpa.