Saturday, April 02, 2011

Post-its, anyone?

Today I do the nearly-last bit of painting. The accent wall. The color I chose is called La Fonda Turquoise. Right now I'm just waiting for the spackle to dry in the nail holes then I'll start. If I can find batteries for my camera, I'll take a picture when it's done. Yesterday, for April Fool's Day, this is what my desk looked like when I arrived at work.... There were post-its everywhere! One of the teachers did it. It was cute. The kind of prank I like. No one gets hurt, or extremely embarrassed.


emma said...

That IS cute

Catz said...

That's cute. :)

UrbanStarGazer said...

Wow . . . that took a LOT of work. Nice.

Anonymous said...

This is The Nagual speaking.

Funny story.....La Fonda Turquoise is actually named after the color Henry Fonda turned seconds before his death.

I find the chandelier shadow drawings eerily disturbing. Nothing good will come of them and you will find that they freak a lot of people out in ways they don't understand. Think about's a shadow of a nonexistent light source. In the darkness it will actually be DARKER than everything else and may actually be a portal to some hellish realm.

Don't start some sort of weird Amityville thing in your own house.

That is all.