Saturday, May 31, 2008

"School's out for summer"

It's hard to believe but this school year is practically over. My students are done on Wednesday and I'm done on Thursday. Well, I would be done except that I'm working the summer program this year to earn some extra green.
JJ's football team is having a clothing drive today and Braden's scout troop is doing a carnival grounds clean I have to get them up and about shortly. Then, I have to go for groceries, do laundry, all my usual stuff..
I'm looking out my kitchen door right now and people are riding horses about 30 yards from me. They're cutting through the yards to get to the state park behind our house that has riding trails. It's kinda neat to look out your window and see horses. The other day there was a turkey in our yard.
I might take a ride to Renee's tomorrow. I have some big pieces and I have to go in the truck. I hate driving the truck. I keep putting it off because of that damn truck. But, they won't fit in my Pacifica. That trip will be about $60 in gas and a sore back. But, I'll get to see Brighton (and Renee). He's gotten so cute. We took him for pictures two weeks ago and I could just squeeze him and squeeze him. I'm trying to convince her that it would be good for her and Ray to let the baby come and stay with me for a few days before I start the summer program. But, you know first time moms!


Anonymous said...

One apartment I had looked out into a wooded park and sometimes I would wake to horses trotting on the trail, I loved it.

Here, I almost hit a turkey on my way to the railroad - I guess that was the first time I thought I was no longer in Queens - in addition to seeing signs for "Hay".


mavis sidebottom said...

my next door neighbor just had a baby shes forty she must be insane she'll be 58 by the time he leaves home at the earliest

Anonymous said...

i love all the animals in my yard. we get all sorts of birds, deer, bunnies, hedgehogs etc.

Alex, my guys parents were in their 40s when they had kids. they were constantly asked if they were the grandparents of their kids. now they're too old and crazy to really appreciate not having kids and having a grandkid.


Anonymous said...

When looking out your window you see someone riding a turkey, you will know you have arrived.

UrbanStarGazer said...


The other night the dog was going crazy and we peeked out and there was a mother bear with two cubs cruising our yard (no doubt looking for ribs). The cubs were very cute and she was protective, the minute she saw us in the window she ran and put herself between us and the cubs.

I was sitting in my brother's office fixing something on his computer the other day and all of a sudden heard this HUGELY LOUD turkey call that echoed and I looked out the window and a HUGE turkey was staring in at me. Scared the heck out of me. But it was hilarious the way he was looking in.