Thursday, May 01, 2008

Got milk?

There's a book I came across while searching something else that sounds entertaining. I'm going to see if my library has it.
I especially thought of Tracee when I saw this...I remember her saying she likes to look at the receipts left in her library books.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking of me, Schell. I'm so excited just reading the description of that book. Let me know if you like it.

Bert Bananas said...

Hey, I think about you, TB, all the time! Where's my thanks??

I'll never, ever stop thinking about you all the time because in my whole, ENTIRE life, you're the only woman to ever ask me about my masturbatory frequency. I treasure the memory of that conversation and, of course, I think about 'often.' Maybe not as often in these, my declining years, but still, pretty often.

Bless you, TB, bless you.

Clank Napper said...

That book might well be too quirky, even for me.

Anonymous said...

i read a book about working at the library and all the many things left in the book return slot and i too thought of tracee. she always had the best public library stories. we don't have homeless people at our library to entertain us, just many snot-nosed little heathen children running amock. they're almost as good. anyway, it was a funny book, which makes it good for me.


Anonymous said...

I just love that I am invading all of your thoughts.

Especially your masturbatory thoughts.

schell said...

My what?