Saturday, May 24, 2008

Take that!

Press: The Attorney General's Press Office - Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General


Anonymous said...

Well, that's some vindication, but what does it mean for y'all?

Anonymous said...

-Failing to provide consumers with loan documents prior to the scheduled closing.
- Creating statements which falsely showed that the excess money consumers had borrowed was being applied to their loans.
- Creating monthly statements which falsely indicated that pre-payments made by consumers had been applied to the balance of their loans.
- Creating statements which falsely indicated that consumers had paid off the balance of their loans.
- Executing change of address requests to prevent consumers from receiving any statements or notices from their original lending institution that might contradict the information being provided by OPFM, Image Masters and related companies.

For the first above, I would say who would agree to that as a consumer? Then I read the other offenses. This wasn't a company going under because of bad investments, this was outright fraud and these people should spend their lives in jail.


mavis sidebottom said...

so where does this leave you Schell?

schell said...

Well, it does add more people to the bankruptcy pool...because this is the first his employees have been named.
It adds credence to the lawsuits going on.
And, I guess, it just makes me feel good.
But, technically, it does nothing for us. They can order him to repay until the cows come home, the money is long gone.

Anonymous said...

There should be some relief for people like you - you differ from a category I consider that overbought without thinking - on bad credit. I feel no pity for those people - but you were dealing unknowingly with crooks - horrible and I can't believe that you would lose your house over this without some intervention. - blu

Anonymous said...

one of my uncles had an issue like this when i was growing up. in the end, the company went under but he still owed the money and ended up with bad credit and the top people made a lot of money and paid little of it back.
