Thursday, November 01, 2007

"trick or treat, smell my feet...."

Not too much going on here. Well, let me change that. There's a lot going on, just not a lot of interesting things.
JJ's brother (the one that came to visit a couple of weekends ago) came up last night to go trick-or-treating with Braden. His caseworker/therapist drove him the nearly two hours each way so he could go. He was bragging to me that he is the only kid in his unit getting to go. (what he doesn't realize is that he's the only 17 year old, with the mentality of a 12 year old in his unit) Oh well. He came back with a huge bag full of candy and was tickled pink.
There's only one more week of football left, thank goodness. Our varisty team has only won one game all season, but the jv's (the team JJ is on) is 7 - 2. Hopefully they'll end the season 8 - 2. One of the players is hosting a brunch this Sunday in celebration for the last game. I'm making a pancake cake that's served with peaches and whipped cream.
As far as the whole mortgage/bankruptcy proceedings go....first a judge ordered that we can continue to pay our old amount until it all gets settled, then a federal judge said no, that the banks and customers have to learn to work together. He did say we could pay 75% of the higher amount until the next hearing, at the end of this month. There's a website created by some of the people involved, and I try to check it everyday. Everyday there is something new, "send this form to this person, write a letter to that person, call this office," but we never hear anything back, so we don't know what's really going on. Representatives of our group went to Harrisburg on Monday and met with state senators, representatives, banking officials, etc, but I don't know what anyone is going to be able to do. We're in a state of limbo.


Binx said...

I do not mean to make light of your troubles with the bank. But if it's any consolation, my oldest brother was just laid off by Bank of America after being with them for 20 years and after have just taken a transfer to North Carolina last year. The bank did offer him a lower position involving another transfer.
The lay-off was part of a 3,000 job reduction decision made by the corporate office in New York and had little to do with anyone's job performance (but a lot to do with salary levels).

Banks ...

Anonymous said...

How is the car and the pregnant daughter?

The Broards said...

I'm tired of smelling your abaout an update