Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Since you asked

We’re doing the same thing we do every year. We forego dinner on Thanksgiving day (when we were first married, this was the day to spend with inlaws-instead of cramming two meals into one day – but, since Keith’s mom passed away, I don’t have any inlaws) and I have my big get together on Sunday.
This year, I’m going to brine my turkey the day before (a new recipe). I found a new cranberry sauce recipe that I’m going to try too. Other than that it will be: Wedding soup, asst. appetizers, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and broccoli. For dessert, my brother is bringing some sort of pie, and I’m going to make bread pudding with a warm brown sugar sauce. I might add another meat…so there’s a little choice, but I’m not sure yet.
We’ll have 18 people over for dinner. I’ll run around like a nut the day before and the morning of. I always stress myself out over these things and they usually go well, so it’s for naught.
Keith’s having surgery today, nothing major---just his knee. But, that means I’ll also get to spend the weekend playing Florence Nightingale. You probably would never guess this about me, but being nurturing isn’t my strong point. I’ll probably make up excuses to leave the house as often as possible. “Honey, I think we’re out of liquid plumber, I’ll be right back.” “Keith, the neighbor just called, she needs me to clean out her eaves, see you soon.” “I have to run to the DMV, it shouldn’t take long.”
I will, however, enjoy having five days off of school so I can sleep in.


The Broards said...

You can't bullshit us, Schell--you're a nurturer all right.

Your menu sounds better than ours. If I ever meet you in PA--I want some of that wedding soup (but I bet it's not as good as blu's mom's

Happy Thanksgiving to you, the Invalid, Tea Lady, JJ, Braden, renee, your Other Kid & afro :-P

Anonymous said...

I am definitely not a nurturer. I am more of a...

"Oh, for Gods sake stop whining and get yourself outta bed, you big girls blouse" kinda gal.

What the hell is wedding soup? I am presuming there is no confetti involved.

vq said...

I brined my turkey this year and it was great--by far my best turkey ever.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

UrbanStarGazer said...

How'd it all go?