Sunday, July 29, 2007

Here's a picture of my kitchen floor. It's African Gold Slate. I love it! Otherwise, progress is moving along..slowly but surely. I have some base cabinets, my island, A WORKING SINK!!!! and a stove. Today they're coming to install my new countertop. Then we need the wall cabinets to be hung, the desk and cabinet around the frig to be built, and a microwave "cubby" installed and the electricians to come back and finish the lighting. Then trim work is all that's needed. Hopefully all this will happen within the next week or two.

Braden left today for boy scout camp. The game plan is for him to be there until Saturday. We'll see if that actually happens. While he's gone, I plan to "dejunk" his bedroom. He's a big collector of, let's see, how should I put this, oh yeah, CRAP.

Next Sunday we're all going to a Yankee's baseball game. But, my oldest son called on Friday and said he's coming for a visit over that weekend, so I'll offer my ticket to him. I'm sure he'd much rather see the game than I would. There's a whole busfull of people going, and I was only going to socialize. (There Jilly, are you happy I mentioned him).

Other than that, I don't have much else to report. I go back to work on the 17th of August...the summer goes so quickly, and I didn't get done all that I usually do. Oh well, there's always Christmas break.


Anonymous said...

i'm happy to know your eldest son is alive and well and that you didn't sell him to the circus like i know you've been planning to do with braden : )

the floor looks lovely, and i bet it's wonderfully cool. what did you decide to do about the painting?


The Broards said...

love that floor.

What about Renee?

UrbanStarGazer said...

I love it! Reading about your kitchen remodel makes me worry about when we remodel the kitchen in the Tahoe house. Especially given that the work-ethic up there isn't quite the same as what I'm used to. It's not quite as bad as Hawaii time but close.

Anonymous said...

I started watching the new season of Design Star and I have the itch to make some changes. I dont have much time though. Summer's almost over.

Roger said...

Schell, darling, I usually am not impressed by floors. (Well, in my drinking days, I did appreciate hugging them to make sure I didn't fall any farther.) But I confess, that floor is exquisite.

Glad Braden's at Scout Camp. Some of my treasured memories are from that experience.


Anonymous said...

I think hello Muddah hello Faddah would have been appropriate