Sunday, January 14, 2007

"cause it feels just like I'm walking on broken glass"

As I may have mentioned, Braden failed his eye exam at school, and needed glasses. We took him for his appointment, picked out the frames, and they came in on Friday. We picked them up yesterday, around 1:00.
Last night he went to the movies, and came out upset. He took his glasses off during the movie (the frame was bothering him). They wound up on the floor, and got stepped on. They're now in three pieces. He didn't even have them for 12 hours.
This has to be some sort of world's record.


Jenny Robin said...

poor kid
it's a rite of glasses-wearing passage, though, to break at least one pair before the age of 16

Bert Bananas said...

Did he at least save the lenses? So they can be plugged into a new set of frames?

Roger said...

As he becomes more dependent on them to see (assuming his prescription changes as he gets older), he'll become A LOT more aware of them and careful with them. This is just par for the course.


Anonymous said...

tom wears glasses and we average 4-5 pairs a year ,I got him two pairs at one time and he manged to break both within a week

Anonymous said...

Schell, Do you have an eyeglass outlet near you? I pay 30 dollars for a new pair of glasses. If you can find one near you, it's worth the trip instead of paying hundreds for the same pair at a regular store. -blu