Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Bye 47

Here's how my life goes. Maybe I am just a bitch. You decide.

In July Keith and I were in a road rally. We were car number 47. They painted a small 47 on my front and back windshields. After the road rally, I didn't have the occasion to wash my car for a couple of weeks, and everyone kept asking me, "What's with the 47?", "Why don't you wash the 47 off your car." So, because I am who I am, I decided that I was going to leave it on there as long as possible.
I washed my car, but was very comfortable around the 47's. I liked my 47's....don't ask me why. Maybe because it's my age.
Anyway, Sunday morning Keith came in from the garage with a bottle of windex and a dirty papertowel in his hand. "I got that 47 off, finally!" he said, all proud of himself. "WHAT?!" I screamed. I told you I was trying to leave that on there as long as possible. I can't believe you cleaned it off. You never clean my windows, even when I ask you to!" I was miserable. Over something so stupid, I know. But it's the principle. He never listens to things I say, because he thinks all my thoughts are ridiculous. He doesn't pay attention to what I tell him. "What's the big deal?" he asked. "Nothing," I said.
Later that morning, I was talking to my brother and I told him about what Keith did. You know what his reply was? "Poor guy. He can never catch a break."
Seriously? He can never catch a break?
Keith is such a nice guy, and I'm not. So, these kind of things always seem like I'm being a bitch. I know it does. But, I don't think that's really what it is. All I wanted was MY 47 on MY car. It didn't cost anybody anything, it wasn't bothering anyone. It made me happy. Now it's gone and I'm the bad guy for being mad/sad/upset about it.
Tell me honestly, am I a bitch?


emma said...

Buy some window paint and repaint. Tell Keith, "Honey, thanks for washing my windows without being asked, but I'd like to leave the new 47s on until they wear off."
So what if you're a bitch sometimes? Usually you hold your family together and do awesome things. Keith's probably used to your bitchiness---I know BP is used to mine.

Sonya said...

The way I see it, 47 was your way of having some kind of control over something during a time when so many things that have happened were out of your control. So it was a blow because that was your piece of the world and no one else had to understand why; their opinions didn't matter. That's a nice feeling, to have your own corner.

I agree with Emma. Put it back. Don't try to explain to anyone. I'm sure Keith didn't mean any harm, but you are still entitled to your own thing.

Brenda said...

you are not a bitch. you are perimenapausal, and let me tell you, it ain't gonna get better.

are you still getting your period on a regular basis? pardon my personal questions, but i have been living this shit for the last 5 years, so i know your pain. i think i am now on the down side of that hill, so i am feeling better. i know, my even saying this is the issue is pissing you off right?

okay, first off. be very specific in your desires. he can't read your mind. even though we want them to. a nonchalant comment...i really want to leave that 47 on my car for as long as possible..... he probably didn't even hear that.

i might be totally off base here, but the whole thing seems a bit irrational for you to be that upset. make sure he hears what you say. be kind to yourself.

Jilly said...

spidey, i'm like that and i get my period on a regular basis. they tell me it's called PMDD. I knew something was wrong with me when i flipped out when my guy bought 1 ply tilet paper after i asked him several times to get 3 ply.

i don't think you're a bitch schell. keith is a nice guy, but you want him to HEAR you and ACT on what he heard, not just assume crap. He probably heard something about 47 and your car and assumed that you were nagging him to clean it and put it off until one day he just did it and really thought you'd be happy because he finally did what you asked. he's not really a pig, he's just a man.


Bert Bananas said...

I know who's not getting a blow job any time soon ...

mavis sidebottom said...

do you feel better now you know you are premenopausal rather than misunderstood , you can always rely on the rest of us to take a shit thing and make it shitter , like the anti hey judes

Brenda said...

not meant to offend. being misunderstood is one thing. saying what you want or need helps the situation.

sheila222 said...

I understand your pain perfectly. If I tell my husband something and he doesn't reply, and then if I repeat it and insist that he respond to me, I'm a bitch. If I say something, and don't force him to respond, but refuse to repeat it the third or fourth or eleventh time, then I am a bitch. So now I respond when he asks something the third time, let me know when you are ready to listen, because then I will be able to tell you. Until that time, I am just wasting my breath and time. I agree with Tree, it is about ownership of some small thing in your life. There are some things that I never go into that are my husband's. I never go into his wallet,, he can't understand why I want to beat him when he goes rummaging in my purse and takes money. We now have a deal. I took him to the freaking ATM and taught him how to use it. He gets his own cash. Oh the list goes on! you have really rubbed a sore nerve here, Schell.

Anonymous said...

Personslly , I think you should divorce. allan

schell said...

Thanks guys!
It wouldn't be the same if I put the 47 back on. Who numbers their car?
Secondly, Spidey, I thought, "I'm not going to take the 47 off my car. I like it there. Everyone keeps asking me why it's there and when I'm taking it off, so I'm not going to, ever" was pretty specific.
Tree, now that you say that, I think you're right. It was about control, which I don't have too much of.
Allan, don't think it hasn't crossed my mind. But, not because of a 47.

emma said...

"Who numbers their car?"

race car drivers