Saturday, May 09, 2009

?Happy Mother's Day??

I am so angry and disappointed in my kids right now, I literally am using every ounce of strength I have not to hop in my car and drive as fast and far as I can.
Neither Braden or JJ is a great student...they don't have it in them. But, they know I expect at least C's on their report cards. Every single report card comes and they get grounded for D's. Occasionally F's. Every single one.
They got grounded again last week. One is handling it better than the other, who shall remain nameless (Braden). He's been nasty and rude and disrespectful ever since he got his consequences. And, since they've been grounded, their grades have gone down. Yes, I said down.
Keith was planning on taking us out to dinner for Mother's Day, but I told him to cancel it. I really don't feel like sitting around a table with a couple of kids who could so blatently disregard what is expected of them, and pretending to be a happy family. I'd go without them, but I don't trust them to stay home and not use the entertainment (computer, video games, etc) that they've been grounded from.
I told them this and all I got in return is blank stares. No remorse. No apologies. Who are these people?


emma said...

I feel ya Schell.
My son hates to be grounded from the computer . . . but it happens alot. Do you know how many times I've had to change my password??

Brenda said...

i just realized my gift this year is i don't have to worry about stuff like that anymore.

Brenda said...

how about if you don't say anything about the grades anymore and let them decide their own future. it would be less stressful on you. they know your expectations by now. tell them they better be able to support themselves when they graduate, cause you are done.

Sonya said...

How did your day go, Schell?

schell said...

It was a nice day. The boys washed my car and cleaned the inside. I also got a travel mug for my morning tea. We didn't do anything special, but stayed home all day and worked on "the list".

UrbanStarGazer said...

That's what my brother finally did with my nephew, Spidey. Explained to him that it was his future and that he alone would suffer the consequences of his school choices and his life has gotten better. No more bitching at the kid and being pissed about the lack of results. It has had a marginal impact on my nephew, took a semester or two to sink in but he does better now. Not great but his gpa is around a C which is up from the D- it was.

Also, in regards to no entertainment punishments -- I have to say my bro had a great idea, he takes the power cords with him when he leaves the house. That way he doesn't have to disconnect stuff, just removes the power cord from the Xboxes, Playstations, WIIs, etc. -- most electronics have removable ones nowadays -- and takes it with him.

UrbanStarGazer said...

The power cord removal works for the computer too. Keep it with you so only you can use it and you don't have to keep changing your passwords.