Saturday, May 23, 2009

"All in all it's just another brick in the wall"

I'm still on strike. Well, semi-strike.
Both of the boys made dinner for me on Monday and pledged their undying love and gratitude to me. They promised to accept consequences for their actions and to be more responsible. Keith still thinks I'm being a jerk and thinks his end of the strike will be over if he keeps trying to kiss my ass. Think again. He needs to start stepping up to the plate as far as the boys are concerned.
So, the beginning of my week went well.
Then came the end of the week.
I found out that JJ has been lying to me all week. He offered to give up his phone in exchange for being able to go out after the prom. (we, oops, that would imply that Keith took an active role in this, I told him that since he was grounded because of his very poor grades that he couldn't go hang with his buddies after-prom.) I agreed to the switch. However, that sneaky, cheating, lying kid took the sim card out of his phone on Sunday and put it into an old phone of mine...which he took without asking and replaced it with an old sim card he got from a friend)so, he has not been phoneless. When I found out (something told me to turn his phone on) he lied about how it happened. He had plans to go to his Aunt's in Philadelphia this weekend, so I told him to leave the phone he'd been using and his driving permit on the counter before he left. He didn't do it. Now he's in Philadelphia until Monday and I get the stew over it all weekend. Yay me!
Also, on a completely separate note, I found a huge spot on my back that is certainly some sort of cancer. I have an appointment on Tuesday at the doctor's. There are some sorts of nearly-harmless cancer, but this is my life we're talking about. I'm sure it's melanoma. Plus, I've been doing some research and the little bugger fits all the criteria for melanoma. I'm sure I'll be okay, but what will I do if I can't sit out by the pool and read books every weekend in the summer? That's what I look forward to most.
Really, can one more bad thing happen to me? Mortgage crisis, idiot husband, disrespectful kids, bad economy....let's see, what else can we give her?? Oh yeah, how about cancer!


mavis sidebottom said...

still on the bright side no ones asked for a blow job

Sonya said...

Seriously, you are so damned patient with your family in light of everything, they should be counting their fortunes that they have you. I hope everything goes okay at the doctor's. For god's sake, STAY OFF the melanoma sites until you know for sure. Go for a long walk and read a good book and don't do anything for anyone.

emma said...

I don't know what kind of cell phones you use, but can't you go online to disbale them? We did that numerous times when LP acted out.

I think cell phones are of the devil anyway . . . .no one under the age of 21 should be permitted to use/carry them.

I read online that the vast majority of teenagers have a significant hearing loss due to loud music, cell phones, electronic games. etc. wtf???

I cannot stand liars or thieves and unfortunately LP has been both at various times in the past.

Good Luck Chicky poo

emma said...

and, of course, good luck with your doctor appointment!

vq said...

Schell, I just want to say do NOT diagnose yourself. Let the doctor do his/her job. I have convinced myself I had melanoma about five times in the last five years (like you, I get so much pleasure out of just sitting in the sun--I'm like a cat, that way) and gone in for a biopsy, and every time it's turned out to be a garden variety freckle/age spot.

And in the future, NEVER, ever look at medical sites on the Internet. After all the scares I've put myself through, that is a rule that I will never break again!

Just chill and do something nice for yourself this weekend. Everything will be fine.

schell said...

Emma, I could have gone online and disabled it, but since I had the actual phone in my possession, and had it hidden, I thought I wouldn't have to do that. I WAS WRONG!
I'm working my ass off today, getting as many things off the list as possible, then tomorrow I'm doing nothing! Nothing I tell ya.
And,'s only Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Schell, not to add to your worries and I wasn't going to say anything about this but if you look at that picture of JJ with his date, well, it seemed to me the girl might be a bit pregnant . I'm probably wrong but take a look .


Jilly said...

jesus christ allan, just pile it on and kill her with worry why don't you?

i read a great article in the post last week, i think friday. a woman who councils people on spending and money went and talked to 3rd graders and 5 graders.

she said every kid in the room had a cell phone. she asked the kids to write down on a sheet of paper:

"mom and dad, do i have a college fund?"

and then below it

"if not, take my phone away"

her point was that in this day and age a recent study showed that people are willing to give up food but not cell phones when 99% of the phone usage is not needed.

the kids all went bonkers "i'm not giving this note to my parents"

she did the math that the $50 a month that goes into the cellphone bill would be better used in a savings account or some sort of college fund for the kids later on.

i thought it interesting because i work with so many people who are constantly frustrated at their kids being irresponsible with cellphones, but when they're questioned as to why they just don't take the phone, so many excuses are made.

i might think differently when my child is a teen, but i really don't think someone who is 8 needs a cellphone. then again, most of my 14 year old students have CREDIT CARDS and i think their parents are nuts too.

I know you'll think of something clever to punish JJ with, if only keith will back you up. it must get to old to be the enforcer/bad cop.


UrbanStarGazer said...

Well, in a weird way, it's nice that JJ is acting like a typical teenager -- I take it to mean he feels at home with you all. Does he still call you "Miss"?

I hope your spot turns out to be nothing. I often ask H to look at my back cuz I'll feel something odd and he always just says, "It's nothing." for all I know I could be one day away from death. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.