Friday, December 19, 2008


We're off today....the first snow day of the year. I think I'll get a jump on my baking. Maybe I'll do cutouts today.

My dad is getting out of the rehab center on Saturday. He has agreed to stay at my sister's for a week or two, just so we can make sure he can get around okay. My mother is in such poor health, that she's useless when it comes to taking care of this way there will be other adults around in case he falls or needs something. He still has to go for dialysis three times a week, and he'll probably have to continue with some sort of physical therapy. Pooh, if you're reading this....good luck with the tea lady. I hope you bought a case of lipton!

Renee, goofball and the baby moved out a little while ago. It's been nice to have my household back to normal. Well, as normal as my household can be. Right now, she and the baby are staying with her grandfather, and goofball is in Allentown and he's still working. She got herself into more trouble on Thanksgiving, and even though my ex-father-in-law swears that he's done helping her out....he bailed her out and is now letting her and the baby live with him. She is involved with Children and Youth so there will be random checks on her and the baby. Presently she seems to be doing well....but she always does for about a month. She needs serious help and sadly, I'm the only one in her immediate family that seems to realize this. I just hope she gets it before it's too late. She's coming here on Christmas Eve, and she might leave the baby with me for a visit for a few days. I sure miss him! When we talk on the phone, she puts him on and he coos and aaahhhs. It makes me want to squeeze him.

I still have a bit of Christmas shopping to do. Just a few items. Nothing that I have to search for. And I have a lot of wrapping to do. And baking.


Anonymous said...

what drug is it that Renee uses anyway ? Is it heroin ? There's an article in a long island paper about the heroin epidemic here on long island . allan

Anonymous said...

Here's the article I mentioned:
