Saturday, December 20, 2008

Left hand, give it up

The kids at my school have started playing this new game. They can walk to you, or anyone, at anytime, and say, "left hand give it up" and whatever is in your left hand becomes theirs. If you're quick enough, you can say, "half and half" and then you only have to split it with them. I think it's hysterical that it works. You should see them at lunch time. The other day one kid wound up with five milks! Somene lost a watch. One kid taped the fingers of his left hand together, so he would remember not to use it. I'm addicted to it. I love to catch them...and make them give me their stuff. I give it right back, of course.
Could you imagine innocently eating your school lunch and because someone says, "left hand give it up" and you lose your hoagie??


Anonymous said...

left handed masturbators beware!!

UrbanStarGazer said...

I wouldn't give it up.

Jilly said...

i don't think this would work with my kids, there'd be a fight in a second. they wouldn't mind taking another person's stuff, but they'd balk at losing something. i have to admit that this game is biased against lefties, if you're a righty, then you could just use that hand for everything and get out of losing anything. it's amazing the power of peer pressure to conteol people with our subtle social contracts. from early on we're taught to pick up on social contracts and behave correctly, and when someone doesn't comply, we go nuts. imagine someone cutting in line at the checkout during christmas season at walmart? there'd be a riot.


emma said...

I'm with Urban,

who invented this dumbass game?

Anonymous said...

We played this when I was in Junior High back in 1993! Amazing that it's still around! Wonder where and when this originated?