Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Time flies when you're having fun. Or chaos.

Wow! It has been a while since I updated. Things are really crazy around here. My old kitchen is completely ripped out, and the addition is on. Well, there are walls, a roof and a sub-floor. The electrician and plumber have to come. Then Keith's putting in the insulation. Then the dry-wall guy. Then I have to paint. I'm thinking some type of golden color. Then the cabinets have to go in. (Actually, the cabinets have to be built, but hopefully that will happen while the wiring/plumbing is being done) I'm reusing the cabinets I already have, which are cherry with this greyish pickled oak insets. I think the new cabinets that will go in the island, and the desk I'm having built will be out of the pickled oak. Then we have to get the floors installed. So, I should have a kitchen in about a month. I hope it's not longer than that.

I've run into an aesthetic problem. They had to put a support beam in since the wall we took down was a load bearing wall. The problem is that the beam runs diagonally through the island where the sink is. It screws up what I wanted to do with the lighting, and the general look I was going for. I'm assured that once it's drywalled, and painted to match the ceiling it won't be that noticeable, but I have my doubts. Also, I can't decide on a floor. I want something that looks like a tuscan slate...with the greens, oranges and greys. We can't afford genuine slate, and I can't decide if I want a laminate or a tile product. I'm going to have to decide quickly.

School's winding down for everyone. JJ's last day is Monday, Braden and I on Wednesday. Braden is planning on having his annual last day of school swim party. That should go swimmingly (pardon the pun) since I don't have a kitchen.

I DID just finish reading "The Other Boleyn Girl". I really liked it and now I feel like I need more information on Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII.

We finally got JJ's birth certificate and permission for him to go with us. What a hassle all that was. Now I have to get him a passport. I know I'm going to have to go to Philly and apply for an expedited one in person, but I can't seem to find out if I am allowed to do this. I mean, will the agency let me apply for it, or do I have to have someone from the Children's Home or DHS apply for it? I wish I would have realized all this before we booked the trip. We have a month to get everything in order, and sometimes I doubt it will happen. Keep your fingers crossed. Well, keep them crossed twice. Once for this, and once for a speedy kitchen remodel.


Anonymous said...

It seems like you would like the colors of my kitchen, I picked an orangy brown tile with a nice golden color on the walls. I used bistro window panels and a little breakfast table with cute seats. Then again, my cabinets, stove and fridge are from 1950. - blu

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the passport. We applied for ours in March and still haven't received them!

Kitchen sounds lovely----


UrbanStarGazer said...

Are you JJ's legal guardians? Does that make a difference?

Anonymous said...

Schell, when do you actually find time to draw breath?

vq said...

Schell, did you read this week that the changes to the passport laws have been postponed? Due to the incredible holdups people have been having getting even expedited passports, no passports will be required for flying to Mexico, Canada or the Carribbean until September. I have entered Jamaica a number of times with just my birth certificate. I don't know if this works for JJ or not, but it might be worth it to call the State Department.