Monday, June 25, 2007

"Happy birthday to you..."

Today is Keith's birthday. Despite the fact that I have no kitchen, I'm having family over tonight for a little something to eat and some cake. Normally I would cook all day, making a meal and appetizers, but since I can't, I'm ordering in. Chinese food and ice cream cake. I only have to worry about my dad and afro, since neither of them likes Chinese food. I'll throw a couple of burgers on the grill for them.

There are actually workers here today, working on the kitchen. Electricians and cabinet guys. The cabinet guys pulled out my island, and took the dishwasher should have seen the crap on the floor under there. I was mortified. They said, "Don't worry, they all look like that." Tomorrow the plumbers come back, then Keith can insulate. Next week the dry wall guy is coming. After that, it should go quickly. The stone mason came yesterday and he should be calling early this week with a price on a slate floor. I hope it's in the budget, because I have my heart set on slate now.

We went to this discount home supply place on Saturday and found a Jacuzzi brand toilet and pedestal sink for the basement bathroom. $250 for the set. That's quite a deal!! That's me, I'm all about saving the money ~~0~~0~~!

I got the kids' report cards last week. JJ had mostly B's, an A or two and one C. Braden had all B's, and two A's. Pretty good, especially since Braden's 3rd marking period report card was all C's and D's. I never thought I'd have a kid who got D's on his report card. I was always A's and B's. I'm proud of both of them!

On Saturday I have to call the passport agency to make an appointment to get JJ's passport. Rono was in the shelf the other night, and he said he applied for an expedited one, and got it within two weeks, so I have some hope.

That's it for now from boring housewife land.


Anonymous said...

I find crying helps. Take an onion and get a big sniff on it outside the passport office. Just let little tears trickle down your face quietly.

Anonymous said...

i've never applied for a passport, so i have no idea about the process, but a few years back i was mugged and i had an awful time replacing everything. i had my social security card, as i had started a new job that day, and replacing that was a pain. i literally went to the SS office and sat there from the time it opened until 20 mins before it closed. there were hundreds of people in the bakc, for only 2 at the counter, and they were taking a new person an hour, until the last 45 mins, when they magically served everyone in the place. i learned quickly that when i need to go to the MVA or the SS office to go in the last hour. the people want to go home, so they work fast. i doubt this will help with the passport people, but it's good advice.


Bert Bananas said...

My gawd people! I can't believe no one has asked whether Keith got his birthday BJ!!!

Well? Did he?

The Broards said...

I love slate flooring!

PS: Happy BDAy to the Keithster