Friday, May 18, 2007

A redunless post

I have book group tonight. We had to read The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult. It was okay. Nothing I'd recommend. The woman who is hosting tonight lives in what has to be a million dollar home. It's beautiful. I love just sitting in her family room and looking around. Plus, she serves the best food!
Today at school my students got to throw pies at our principal. They were so excited. I only had seven kids show up today, and there were 20 pies, so they each got to throw a couple. What a blast. The kids were laughing, and the principal was covered in chocolate pudding.
I'm instituting an Honor Roll for our kids next year. We have to do some things for these kids to help their self-esteem. So what if they're only reading at a third grade level, they still should get some recognition for doing their work well.
I enjoyed my day off on Tuesday. When I went to work on Wednesday, the kids asked me what I did. I told them I did some things around the house, then I sat on the patio and read. One boy (the one who wanted to marry me) said, "Miss, you really have the life." "What do you mean," I asked. "Well, you have a patio, and books, and that field where your kids can ride the four-wheeler. That's really lucky." Simple comments like that can really make you think. Another one of my students pulled a nutty while I was off, and had to be restrained. He told me it was because I wasn't there to calm him down.
We went to the foster care picnic the other day, and Keith and I got called up and were given a certificate for going "above and beyond" and for being so involved with the kids there, and especially with JJ. It was nice to get the recognition. When we got home, JJ said that before they called us up, when they were just describing what the award was for, he said to himself, "this better be for Miss and Keith or I'm going to be pissed."
I have Braden's IEP meeting next Tuesday. That should be a real treat. He didn't have such a great year this year, so I'll get to sit there for an hour and hear about him not working up to his potential. Ya think??? I'm soooo looking forward to it.
Some of my students have started making up words, and they're dying for it to catch on. One of the kids says Redunless all the time. It means stupid. So I try to use it often. I started saying Ridiculi, but I use it like ridiculous. He gets pissed because some of the other teachers started saying ridiculi too. I told him that the other day my husband came home from work and was complaining about gas prices and he said that one of his work buddies said it was ridiculi. The kid's mouth dropped open, and he thought for a minute, then he said,"Does his friend use the work redunless too?"


UrbanStarGazer said...

No-one believes me but I invented, "Eat shit and die" -- I used that term in the 70s before I'd ever heard anyone say it. A few years later, EVERYONE was saying it.

The Broards said...

Same thing happened to me and "oh, no you di'unt!"

That was a good post

Anonymous said...

i dislike going to IEP meetings, but i don't mind going to review or behavior meetings. at 16, the kids have to be given the chance to come to the meetings, and it's great to watch them kiss their parent's ass, like everyone in the room doesn't know better. i'm sure braden's meeting won't be so bad. if they really get going, sidetrack with "what do you suggest be done at school to achieve success?" or some other bullshit. also, i was wondering, do they ever send positive feedback home? when one of my kids is doing bad, and i see positive behavior, i make sure to call or send a letter home. i know that if the kid is acting out at school, home must be stressful and parents need encouragement.


UrbanStarGazer said...

I also lay claim to "fartface" having called my mother that, in a fit of anger, when I was six. She was so mad she locked me out of the house for the rest of the afternoon.

I remember, at the time I said it, thinking it absolutely brilliant and I had never heard it used before.

Anonymous said...

Just some trivia , Saddam Hussein ( God rest his soul) said before the first Gulf War began (91?) it was going to be the "Mother of all battles". It was the first time I heard the "mother of all" phrase and all of a sudden everything was "the mother of " for a few years . I just wanted to make sure he got the credit for the phrase . It seems to have run its course and never hear it anymore. Allan

Roger said...

What a nice recognition from the foster care folks, Schell - You & Keith deserve it.

Let's see, I coined "nastygram", meaning a negative letter. Also, "babble-leech," meaning a person who hangs on to you and talks inanely.


Clank Napper said...

I haven't coined a thing! I am going to spend all weekend now making things up.

My daughter says pasgetti for any sort of pasta, so we use that.

Oh...I do say penoid for anything to do with penis's. But that might be an actual word.

Well done on the foster care thing. That takes an extremely unusual person to be able to do that. I am not. You most definitely must be.

Anonymous said...

We used AHEE (prounounced aw-heeeee) in place of hello, goodbye, I don't know, and just about anything else that fit. It was the most rebelious thing I've ever done, scrawling AHEEEEEEE! across the blackboard in the mean social studies teacher's room while she was on break.