Saturday, January 15, 2011


Why don't the things in my life ever run smoothly? Why am I destined to have a head full of grey hairs, bitten finger nails and an upset stomach?

After we went to court for Gio on the 20th, and the judge allowed him to come home with us, Children's Home was pissed. Well, one particular person at Children's Home, it just so happens that this person is second in charge there. She wanted Gio sent to a facility for 90 days, then she said they would take him back and we could foster him again through them. Well, the judge didn't see it that way, and allowed him to come with us right away, and be on probation. She was livid. She fired Keith (he's been working there (part-time) helping with transportation for about a year), told us that "this isn't over yet" and we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into.

Then I didn't hear anything for a while and thought it had died down. WRONG.

Gio had court again this past Tuesday, just for a check in with the judge, to see how it was going with us. She wanted reports from school and a report from us to make sure she'd made the right decision.

I got a call from Gio's DHS (Philadelphia case worker) who has known Gio for years, and is really happy he's with us. She said that the pissed off woman from The Home has been on a telephone and letter writing campaign to get Gio removed from our house and put in a placement. And, unfortunately, because of the very close working relationship that DHS and CHE have, she was able to get the higher-ups to listen to her. The DHS worker said that DHS' official stand was going to be that Gio should be sent to a bootcamp type placement out in Pittsburgh. She did say, however, that she will tell the judge that that is DHS' stand, but not hers, and she thinks his best shot is with us.

So....we go to court on Tuesday and when we're called into the courtroom, we see his regular judge isn't there....she's out sick or something and there's a master sitting in. Uhh oh. Also, there's lawyers there representing DHS. My heart sank, and so did Gio's. Anyway....the DHS attorney starts questioning the DHS worker, about DHS' stand and their recommendation. Then starts asking things about his doesn't sound good. But then the attorney asks her what school Gio goes to and she couldn't think of the name (considering she has a caseload of about 100 kids, it's not surprising) and starts looking through his file. I say the name of the school, even though I wasn't addressed by the judge, and I think I'm going to get scolded (Judge Judy would have had my head), but the judge looks at me and smiles. Then the attorney starts asking me questions and he keeps rephrasing my answers, actually making them sound better. What the???? My heart is racing and I'm nervous. Poor Gio looks like he's watching a tennis match. Finally, the attorney says, "Your honor, I think the best solution would be to grant the Koch's legal guardianship of Giovany" The judge asks us how we feel about that, and Keith and I both wholeheartedly agree. Gavel banged, decision made. We are now his legal guardians.

That means no Children's Home, no DHS, no agencies at all. We can add him to our medical insurance so he can stop going to those horrible clinics, I can sign all school papers for him, if we go on vacation, I don't have to ask anyone's permission. His DHS worker was shocked. "I never expected that to happen," she said. She was so happy for all of us. There's only one downside to this...we don't get a monthly stipend now. And, while that's certainly not why we want him here, the small check each month certainly helps when you add a 15 year old boy to your household. Especially since Keith doesn't have his part-time job anymore. But, we'll figure it out.

On the way home from court, he kept saying, "thank you guys" "this has been a great day" "thank you so much" "thank you"

So, he's ours. Officially. Children's Home can kiss my white ass.


emma said...

Congratulations! and I'm glad that judge was really listening to the case! And what about that Pissed Off Woman??--she should be happy that one of the kids has a REAL FAMILY who loves him. That ass should be fired--she doesn't give a shit about those kids--she's on a power trip. Shame on her.
Keith should sue that PO'd woman in small claims court because she retaliated against Keith because of that judgment and that's a BIG NO ON

(You're right--Judge Judy's eyes would have bugged out, she'd tap her pen and say "HEY! I'm not talking to you!!")

Jilly said...

i'm very happy for you. Ha! see what that old bitch started. You should send her a thank you card and then make a few calls of your own. glad it all turned out well for Gio, and that's what matters.


vq said...

You and Keith are amazing people. You're changing the world, one troubled kid at a time.

UrbanStarGazer said...

That's great!! Maybe she thought she was getting revenge by making you take Gio without a stipend?

I hate people like that, Emma's right -- total power trippin'. Miserable people like to make other people miserable too.

Congrats! You all are showing true grace and those kids are lucky. Do we get to see pics?