Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Happy New Year's a brief summary of what happened with Gio....we went to court, and met with his Probation Officer, who has known Gio since he's 11. She wants him to come with us, because he's been in placement after placement, but he's never been in a stable home. I have a letter written by his teacher saying the bright moments he sees from Gio when he feels secure and the differences he's seen in him since he's been with us. I also have a letter from our principal explaining the difference she saw in JJ after he came with us. The probation officer gives these letters to the judge.
We go into the hearing/trial and I'm shaking like a leaf, my hands are sweating. I can barely stand there. The judge asks why Keith and I are there, and we explain that Gio was living with us when he got arrested, but not when the incident happened. That we see a lot of potential in Gio, and would like to help him reach it. She reads the letters then addresses Gio...."Young man. These people see something in you. Your teacher sees something in you. When are you going to see something in you?" He shrugs his shoulders. She says, you have been before me four times now...FOUR TIMES. What I'm about to do is virtually unheard of, but I'm going to agree to send you home with the Koch's. I believe too, that a nuturing environment would be best for you. DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE DOWN!
He smiles from ear to ear and thanks the judge, and his PO. Two things he probably never in a million years would have imagined himself in a position to do before.
And the rest is history. The whole drive home he kept saying, "I got so lucky" "This is because of you guys" "I've never been to a court room and left before. I can't believe this."
So, hopefully he'll use this to his advantage. He's bored out of his mind here, he doesn't really know anyone. So, a kid that's used to hanging on the streets spends every night home. We've played so many games of cards it's unbelievable. But, after he adjusts, he'll be fine, I think. We have to take it one day at a time. He's completely different than JJ. Much harder. Or hardened, I should say. But, sometimes he just gives me a smile, or plops down on the sofa while I'm watching tv and I can see the happiness in his eyes.
Other than that....nothing else is new. Everyone is doing wonderfully, and I'm almost afraid to feel like nothing's wrong. It's strange.


emma said...

You and Keith are phenomenal and I hope Gio recognizes that. He's got a chance that other kids would die for.


emma said...

Hey I want to see your 2010 Charlie's Angels picture of you, your sister and Afro

Anonymous said...

what enquiring minds really need to know though was did keith get his legover since everyone was happy/

schell said...

Emma, we forgot to do a picture this year....dammit!
Anon - I'm not the type to kiss and tell, or not-kiss and tell.

Anonymous said...

I was the anon alex

emma said...

How can you forget???!!!! You know how I love pictures of Afro! . . . Oh, you and Susan too of course