Friday, January 21, 2011


We have had four snow days in three weeks of school. These kids will be going to school until July the way we're going. And, to make matters worse, in my new position, I don't get snow days. Just delays.

Things are going well here. Braden's diving again this year, and is doing very well. He's placed as the top diver for our school in the last several meets. He just has to work on his entry a bit...he can do any dive - doubles, triples, back doubles, but his entry doesn't look graceful. He has to point his toes and he says he just can't remember to do that! For school pictures this year, Braden thought it would be funny to wear an eye's his school picture:

Urban requested a picture of you go. This is from Christmas....all the kids:

And, one more picture, just because he's so darn's Brighton hamming it up for the camera with Renee:


emma said...

I snorted and coughed at the same time, Please thank Braden for me.

Jilly said...

i loved the eye patch! hahaha don't ever let him live it down because in a decade or two, he's going to HATE that pic and it's going to be your fav.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!! That's hilarious. Wow, Braden has grown up so much. I still see him, in my mind's eye, with the long blonde hair, and as a little kid. Sheesh, time flies.

Nice looking group. I'm assuming Gio is the one on the left side (no, MY left) of the couch? JJ's all grown up now too. And that baby is beyond cute.

Thanks for the pics!