Friday, July 30, 2010


Hey everybody! I know it's been forever since I blogged, but someone who shall remain nameless (hint: her name sounds like phlegmabites) has been harrassing me, so here I go.

I changed jobs back in May. The secretary at our school left, and I applied for her postition and got it. It's more money, so I jumped on it. It allows me to not do my part-time job with the autistic boy anymore. I'll miss working in the classroom, but I'll still get to see my favorite students as they come and go. Another plus, the office is much warmer than the classrooms, so I don't have to wear three layers of clothes everyday to work.

JJ graduated in June. He's taking classes at Community college this summer, and for the fall semester, then he plans on going to Moravian College and play football while getting his education....hopefully. He also has a part-time job at Walmart, pushing carts.
Braden turns 17 next week. He's been driving with his permit, but he drives me insane. He either goes way too slow, or too fast. And, he has a hard time staying in the center of his lane. I hate driving with him....but then I feel badly about hating driving with him.

Renee and Joe are both doing great. Joe is running a half-way house in Philadelphia for men just getting out of drug re-hab. He loves it. He's also working part-time at a sporting goods store. He looks better than he has in years - working out and cutting out sugar. Renee has become such a great mom to Brighton. She's going to be starting cosmetology school soon and can't wait to be a hair-dresser. It's what she's wanted to do since she was four.

Brighton is really doing fantastic. He's such a cutie, and so smart. Of course, I'm his Gigi, so I may be a bit biased! Here's a picture from his baptism last week. He's was getting a bit bored waiting for the services to start.

Well, that's about all I have going on. Nothing exciting to report. But, again, I guess that's a good thing.


emma said...

love the update! Your kids/grandkids are so pretty/handsome . . . .they must take after Keith

emma said...

oh, and your new blog design is fun~!

Jilly said...

welcome back to blogging, thanks Emma!

I'm glad all your kids are well and you talked about JOE, we never hear about joe.

your blog looks so pretty and summery


Brenda said...

hello again! glad all is going well.

Catz said...

I'm so glad things are going well. The kids are handsome and pretty. Brighton is such a cutie.

Congrats on the new job. I agree with the classrooms being cold. Although my PreK classroom stayed hot. Always trouble with the AC/heat. either no AC or too much heat.

Thanks Miss Em!

UrbanStarGazer said...

I was shocked when I saw there was an update to your blog! Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are going well, good to hear.

Congratulations to JJ on his graduation! I can't believe Braden is 17 . . . when did he get that old? He was a little kid just last year.

Man . . . time flies.

Jenny Robin said...

Wait, who are you again?

Just joshin' with ya! Glad to hear life is good with you and your family!

Rosary said...

Glad to hear things are going well! and Glad to see you back blogging.

Congrats to JJ (and to you and Keith)! Glad to hear he's going to comm college. It will be a good starting place!