Saturday, August 14, 2010

Decisions decisions decisions

I have a graduation party to go to later....a friend from bookgroup. Well, actually her son. I'm making "crockpot mac and cheese" to take.
Tomorrow my Jersey brother is coming for the day. I'm making bruchetta (with tomatoes from my own garden), and spiced pretzels to munch on. Then the meal will be: salad, mac and cheese (baked, not crock pot), corn on the cob, bbq beef ribs. Dessert will be strawberries and angel food cake.
JJ moved his bedroom down to the basement ("It's more like an apartment down there"), so now I have an extra bedroom upstairs. I've been looking forward to it. When Joe or Renee comes, no more shuffling people to sofas and such. BUT....Keith met this boy at the Children's Home and he wants him to come and live with us. He's been here a few times and seems nice enough, but jeez Louise. He's I'd be prolonging my motherhood by two years (since Braden's 16), and there goes my spare bedroom. I'm conflicted. I know he's kind of a high-risk kid...prone to fighting and stuff, so I know that no one else would take him. Doesn't he deserve a chance? Don't I deserve a spare bedroom? I'm sick of feeling like I have to save as many kids as I can. But that's really how I feel. So....I don't know what to do.


Sonya said...

A. I love your new template.

B. If your heart isn't 100% in taking in a new family member, should you do it? Doesn't there come a point in life where you get to enjoy middle age (not that you're middle-aged!) if that's what will make you content? Only you know if you're up for it.

emma said...

A. I agree with Tree on both points.

B. How much will Keith help out with the new kid? Don't let anyone talk you into anything.

C. Are JJ and Braden on board with this?

D. Give me your spiced pretzel recipe

Jilly said...

i remember when you were so stressed out b/c you were doing all the work as mom AND dad and keith wasn't pulling his weight with braden and braden was in a downward spiral. I know that was like 4 years ago, and things have changed, but man for keith to want to keep taking this kids in is like a complete turn around. in the end, if you're not up to it, you just CAN'T do it and no one can fault you for it. my guy and I were approached to become foster parents to an infant with a profound disability and we really taked about it. In all reality, we'd have this child for its enitre life and our world would be VERY different not only with a second child, but with a child that may never walk or talk. It's a big decision and we're still in limbo over it. Sit and think about the + and - of it all and if there are more -, then pass on it. Like Tree and Emma said, if you're not up to taking this kid in, and you do it, is he really better off?

good luck to you and I hope you have a good time at both parties.


UrbanStarGazer said...

Wow, that's a toughie but I agree with everyone else -- if you're not 100% into taking the new kid, you robably shouldn't.

I don't envy you. Good luck.