Sunday, February 01, 2009


The other day, I was having a discussion with a girl in my class. She's a senior with far too many absences. I had to tell her that she couldn't have one more illegal absence or they would not let her graduate. She didn't think she'd missed that many days. So I laid it out for her. We've been in school for 93 days so far this year and she's missed 33. I told her "That's a third of the time. You've missed one third of the school days of this year." She replied, "But I've been here the other third."


emma said...

I love that! She's like Gracie Allen!

schell said...

If you cross Gracie Allen with Joy from "My Name is Earl"

schell said...

And, if Gracie Allen had a "Money over Niggas" tattoo on her arm.

Anonymous said...

OK, she doesn't deserve to graduate.

Bert Bananas said...

What does "money over Niggas" mean? Or at least, what do you think it meant to Ms. Present one-third of the time?

schell said...

It means that money is more important than a man. Some of the boys get Money over Bitches. Not that most of these kids will have the option.

Ded said...

What ever happened to the mantra of the cad, "Bitches WITH Money"?