Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Our house is a very, very, very fine house"

Well, it's come to that point. The company Keith works for is laying off 150 people this week. Thankfully Keith isn't one of them, but it does mean that all his overtime is being cut out. Which, in turn, means that he'll be bringing in a couple hundred dollars less each week....which in turn means that we can't afford this mortgage payment. I took a part-time job that I go to Monday-Friday after work, and we still can't swing it without the overtime. We had a real estate agent come out and do an appraisal on Monday. We're waiting to see what he comes up with. He suggested that we don't list our house until after the first of the year, since the holidays are the slowest time in the real estate market. It kind of makes me sad, but I can deal with it. The kids, I'm not so sure about.

On a different note, Braden got a part-time job at the new Sonic that opened. He loves it. And has so many plans for his money, you'd think he' was bringing in $50k a year! Everyday there's something different he plans to buy.

And, on yet another note, I saw a sign for gas yesterday for $2.99 a gallon. Hard to believe that $2.99 for gas can get me excited, but it does.

And, to go with this dreary post, I'll leave you with a picture of the most beautiful baby in the world. Even if I do say so myself.


mavis sidebottom said...

I hope you sell it on the first day it goes on the market and the stress lifts , what the kids lose in having this particular home they will more than make up for in having parents who aren't worried sick constantly and kids are bloody resilent little beasts at heart.And I hope that next year is stress free cos its impossible to live under the kind of pressure you have been under for any length of time without wanting tokill at least one person

vq said...

That baby has the most beautiful eyes!

Jilly said...

what a beautiful baby boy. we're such lucky people to have beautiful babies. mandolin just now started using a sippy cup and is still on the "no spill" ones with the rubber mouth piece. the doctor tols me to give her watered down caffeine free hebal tea because she can't have juice.

i too hope the house sells well and that you find a new place to go that is comfortable for you all.

good luck,

Anonymous said...

I disagree with your real estate agent. If things are bad now, the inventory of houses will only be so much greater after the new year. (I sold and purchased a house through the holidays). It's best to get a head start now with a six month listing. When that listing is over, get a new agent and your house will appear as a new listing again in MLS. -blu

emma said...

I've guessed the REAL reason you're upset with the no overtime for Keith----he'll be wanting more sex!

Good for Braden for getting a job!

That baby is adorable!

Sonya said...

I am thinking about you and hope you feel some relief at having a plan. That baby is so damned cute.

Ded said...

The same offer I made to Alex is extended to you: you can all come live with me. And I promise to have the same amount of sex with Keith as you do.

Clank Napper said...

Sorry about your house. I had to sell a house once due to divorce and it is heartbreaking. But it is only bricks. Better to have a healthy mental state and healthy bank balance than a house that comes with debt.