Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"Someone left the cake out in the rain"

There must be some sort of black cloud hanging over my head right now...and I'd like it to go away.
We had a very nice weekend with JJ's brother. He seems to be a good kid who was obviously on his best behavior...please and thank you all the time. However, he appears to be over-medicated and is very slow to respond to questions and gets very easily confused. I'm doing a little investigating into the medicines he's taking, although I'm not sure there's much I can do about it.
While I was driving him home, I got into a little accident. There was a large accident, and traffic was detoured. I drove a few blocks on the side road, and at one of the intersections, I stopped at the stop sign, looked both ways, then pulled out a bit to see if I was able to get back to the road I wanted to be on. When I saw that I could, I pulled out into the intersection. But, there was a car driving down the street and I hit it. No one was hurt...although I could do an entire blog entry on the kid driving and his very pecular parents. The kid was obviously speeding, and I could fight this, but I don't know if it's worth my time since it happened about an hour away from home and what-not. The cop recommended I fight it, but it might cost me more to take off work and drive there than the actual fine will be.
Tuesday, I was coming home from work and stopped at the end of my driveway to get my mail as usual. WHen I was turning to pull into the garage, the mail started to slip off my lap, and I instinctively went to grab it, turning the steering wheel in the process. I hit the side of my garage! Enough to do even more damage to my car.
There's another hearing in December when we'll find out if the temporary ruling by the judge in our mortgage case becomes permanent. That would be the best case scenario. I'm trying to think positively, but the way things are going right now, it's a little tough.
And, as if all that isn't enough, I missed my period last month. I'm 99% sure I'm not pregnant, and this is the start of menopause, but it's making me miserable....well, miserabler. I have had all the symptoms of getting my period, crankiness, a couple of pimples (including the ass pimple) and a craving for sweets....but no period.
And, speaking of periods. My daughter has informed me that she's pregnant. Not interested in getting married to the 30 year old guy she's been dating on and off, and she's not sure what she wants to do with her life. She is sure she wants to keep it, but not sure about how she plans on supporting herself or the baby. I've given her all the advice I can think of, and assured her that I will do whatever I can for her regardless, but really this is her decision to make.
Stay tuned for my next post where I'm sure there will be a plague or locust to report on.


Anonymous said...

Holy shittoli Schell.
You're too young and gorgeous to be a grandma, but best to Renee



Bert Bananas said...


Hey, imagine you and Renee being pregnant at the same time! Liz always says that being pregnant is the start of something big. (Okay, she's never said that...)

What's the story on where the $100,000 you gave the 'wrap around company' went to? Has there been an accounting yet?

Anonymous said...

Good grief Schell. It never rains but it pours. I bet you can' wait for this year to be over.

Anonymous said...

good luck to renee. my mom was a grandmother for the first time when she was 40.

i hope you're not pregnant but just getting the "change."

keep bitching to us, that's what we're here for.


Anonymous said...

On the missing period, Schell, you're under rather massive amounts of stress, and that will cause missed periods. (That and I don't want you to be heading for the Change, you're too close to my age!)

Good luck to both you and Renee, and the rest of your gang.

UrbanStarGazer said...

Don't you have to have sex to be pregnant?

Orbie/\;;/\ said...

Good luck to you all. Yoiks!